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row-layout Class


A layout which arranges its children in a row.





The size ratios between the layout's children.
The vertical adjustment for each child.
The gap between each child.
If t, each child in the row has the same width.



The class row-layout lays its children out in a row. It inherits the behavior from grid-layout. The description is a list of the layout's children, and the layout also translates the initargs ratios, adjust, gap and uniform-size-p into the grid layout's equivalent arguments x-ratios, y-adjust, x-gap and x-uniform-size-p.

description may also contain the keywords :divider and :separator which create a divider or separator as a child of the row-layout. The user can move a divider, but cannot move a separator.

When specifying :ratios in a row with :divider or :separator, you should use nil to specify that the divider or separator is given its minimum size.

If you need to change both the description and ratios of a row-layout while it is on the screen, then consider using set-layout-description-and-ratios.

(setq row (capi:contain
             (make-instance 'capi:push-button
                            :text "Press me")
             (make-instance 'capi:title-pane
                            :text "Title")
             (make-instance 'capi:list-panel
                            :items '(1 2 3)))
            :adjust :center)))
 row #'(setf capi:layout-y-adjust) :bottom row)
 row #'(setf capi:layout-y-adjust) :top row)

This last example shows a row with a stretchable dummy pane between two other elements which are fixed at their minimum size. Try resizing it:

 (make-instance 'capi:row-layout
                (list (make-instance 'capi:push-button
                                     :text "foo")
                      (make-instance 'capi:push-button
                                     :text "bar"))
                :ratios '(nil 1 nil)))
See also

1.2.1 CAPI elements
5.2 Button panel classes
6 Laying Out CAPI Panes
7 Programming with CAPI Windows
11 Defining Interface Classes - top level windows

CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:33:09