Prints plain text to a printer.
print-text line-function &key printer tab-spacing interactive font
line-function⇩ |
A function. |
printer⇩ |
A printer or nil . |
tab-spacing⇩ |
A positive integer or nil . |
interactive⇩ |
A boolean. |
font⇩ |
The function print-text
prints plain text to a printer specified by printer, and defaulting to the current printer.
line-function is called repeatedly with no arguments to enumerate the lines of text. It should return nil
when the text is exhausted.
tab-spacing, which defaults to 8, specifies the number of spaces printed when a tab character is encountered.
starts a new page when a line consisting of just a formfeed character (ASCII 12) is found in the text.
If interactive is t
, then a print dialog is displayed. This is the default behavior.
font should be a gp:font object, or a Font Description object, or a symbol which is a font alias as defined by define-font-alias. The printed text is line wrapped on the assumption that the font is fixed width, so be sure to pass a suitable font. The default value of font is a Font Description for a fixed pitch font of size 10.
16 Printing from the CAPI—the Hardcopy API
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:33:09