Create a basic-graph-spec object.
make-basic-graph-spec function start-x step-x range &key color thickness name x-offset y-offset x-scale y-scale var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 => basic-graph-spec
basic-graph-spec-p object => boolean
copy-basic-graph-spec basic-graph-spec => basic-graph-spec
generate-graph-from-graph-spec basic-graph-spec => drawing-object
function⇩ |
A function of two arguments x and y. |
Real numbers. | |
color⇩ |
A color specification in the Color system. |
thickness⇩ |
A positive real numbers. |
name⇩ |
A Lisp object. |
Real numbers. | |
Lisp objects. | |
object⇩ |
A Lisp object. |
basic-graph-spec⇩ |
A basic-graph-spec object. |
basic-graph-spec |
A basic-graph-spec object. |
boolean |
A boolean. |
drawing-object |
The function make-basic-graph-spec
creates a basic-graph-spec object. This object can be modified by the basic-graph-spec-*
accessors. The function generate-graph-from-graph-spec
generates the graph using the current values in the basic-graph-spec object, which is a drawing-object which when drawn draws the graph, which means drawing a line between each two successive points.
function must be a function of two arguments: the basic-graph-spec and the x value. It needs to return the corresponding y value.
start-x, step-x and range define which x values to use: the first value is start-x, and then increase by step-x until the x is greater than (+ start-x range). For each x value, generate-graph-from-graph-spec
calls function with basic-graph-spec and the x value to generate the y value.
x-scale and y-scale (default to 1) are used to scale the x and y after calling function, by multiplying the x and y by x-scale and y-scale respectively.
x-offset and y-offset (default to 0) are used to translate the scaled values of x and y by adding x-offset and y-offset to the scaled x and y.
The scaled and transformed pair x, y define a point. generate-graph-from-graph-spec
then generates a drawing-object that draws a line between each two successive points.
thickness and color specify the thickness and the color of the lines. The lines are drawn with scale-thickness nil
name, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5 AND var6 are arbitrary values, which you can use to store anything that the function needs to compute the y value. The system does not read or write them.
The function copy-basic-graph-spec
can be used to copy a basic-graph-spec.
The fimctopm basic-graph-spec-p
is the predicate, which returns true if object is a basic-graph-spec and false otherwise.
14.2 Higher level - drawing graphs and bar charts
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Windows version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:35:58