Copies a rectangular area from one port to another.
copy-pixels to-port from-port to-x to-y width height from-x from-y &rest args
to-port⇩ |
A graphics port. |
from-port⇩ |
A graphics port. |
to-x⇩ |
A real number. |
to-y⇩ |
A real number. |
width⇩ |
A real number. |
height⇩ |
A real number. |
from-x⇩ |
A real number. |
from-y⇩ |
A real number. |
args⇩ |
graphics-state parameters passed as keyword arguments. |
The function copy-pixels
copies a rectangular area from from-port to to-port. The transform, mask, mask-transform, compositing-mode and shape-mode from to-port's graphics-state are all used, unless overridden in args. to-port and from-port need not have the same depth and can be the same object.
The corners of the copied rectangle are (from-x from-y), (from-x+width from-y), (from-x+width from-y+height) and (from-x from-y+height), which are interpreted as pixel positions in the window coordinates of from-port, that is, they are not transformed by from-port's transform. The top left of the rectangle is copied to (to-x to-y) in to-port's coordinates.
When to-port's drawing-mode is :quality
the target is generally fully transformed, except that when it copies from a visible window it may generate expose events when copying from an obscured part, and in drawing-mode :quality
it ignores the transformation in this case.
If to-port's drawing-mode is :compatible
then the image is not scaled or rotated. For more information about drawing-mode, see 13.2.1 The drawing mode and anti-aliasing.
can be used to draw to an output-pane in the dynamic extent of the display-callback of that pane, but it cannot be used to copy from the output-pane in the dynamic extent of its display-callback (the result of such an operation is not defined).
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Windows version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:35:52