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pinboard-layout-display Generic Function


Draws the children of a pinboard-layout, by default.




pinboard-layout-display pane x y width height

x, y
Real numbers.
width, height
Positive real numbers.

The generic function pinboard-layout-display is the default display-callback of pinboard-layout (see output-pane for documentation of display-callback and a description of pane, x, y, width and height). It is responsible for the drawing of all the children of the pinboard layout.

If you want to have drawing on a pinboard-layout which is not done via the children, you can either supply your own display-callback to do the other drawing and call pinboard-layout-display (or draw-pinboard-layout-objects) to draw the children, or subclass pinboard-layout and add methods to pinboard-layout-display specialized on your class.

In either case, if any of your drawing is "behind" the children, that is children may overlap it and need to obscure it, you need to do your drawing first and then tell the pane about it by calling redraw-pinboard-layout with the region that was redrawn and the optional argument redisplay = nil.

Compatibility note

In LispWorks 6.1 and earlier versions the default display-callback was called pinboard-pane-display and was not exported, but apparently some programmers defined methods on it anyway. If you did this, you must change your method to pinboard-layout-display for LispWorks 7.0 and later versions.

See also

12 Creating Panes with Your Own Drawing and Input

CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Windows version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:35:34