Binds the elements of a rectangle to four variables, and if the rectangle has a non-zero area, executes a body of code.
unless-empty-rect-bind ((x y width height) rectangle) &body body => result
x⇩ |
A variable. |
y⇩ |
A variable. |
width⇩ |
A variable. |
height⇩ |
A variable. |
rectangle⇩ |
A rectangle. |
body⇩ |
A body of Lisp code. |
result |
The return value of the last form executed in body. |
The macro unless-empty-rect-bind
binds x, y, width, and height to the appropriate values from rectangle and if width and height are both positive, evaluates the forms in body as an implicit progn.
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:34:41