Sets the recent items in a text-input-pane.
text-input-pane-set-recent-items text-input-pane strings where
text-input-pane⇩ |
A text-input-pane with recent items. |
strings⇩ |
A list of strings. |
where⇩ |
One of the keywords :replace , :delete , :start and :end , or a non-negative integer. |
The function text-input-pane-set-recent-items
sets the recent items in text-input-pane, which must have recent items, that is it must have been created with one of the keyword arguments :search-field
, :recent-items
or :recent-items-name
. strings must be a list of strings.
modifies the recent items according to the argument where, which can one of:
:replace |
The strings replace the recent items in the text-input-pane. |
:delete |
Delete from the recent items any item that matches any of the string (using cl:string-equal). |
:start |
Insert the strings at the beginning of the recent items. |
:end |
Insert the strings at the end of the recent items. |
A non-negative integer | |
Insert the strings at the position indicated by the value. 0 means the same as |
In all cases, if any of the strings is already in the recent-items list (as compared by cl:string-equal), it is first deleted from the list. This means that passing strings that already exist just moves them around in the list.
is a little more efficient than using text-input-pane-recent-items and (setf text-input-pane-recent-items)
but the different is unlikely to be significant.
does not return a meaningful value.
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:34:22