Displays an editor buffer with an associates output stream.
:buffer-name |
The name of a buffer onto an editor stream. |
:stream |
The editor stream to be collected. |
The class collector-pane
is a subclass of editor-pane which displays the output sent to a particular type of character stream called an editor stream, the contents of which are stored in an editor buffer.
A new instance collector-pane
can be created to view an existing editor stream by passing the stream itself or by passing the buffer name of that stream.
To create a new stream, either specify buffer-name which does not match any existing buffer, or do not pass buffer-name in which case the CAPI will create a unique buffer name for you.
To access the stream, use the reader collector-pane-stream
on the collector-pane
Note that the editor buffer "Background Output"
is a buffer onto the output stream *standard-output*.
Here is an example that creates two collector panes onto a new stream (that is created by the first collector pane).
(setq collector (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:collector-pane))) (setq *test-stream* (capi:collector-pane-stream collector)) (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:collector-pane :stream *test-stream*)) (format *test-stream* "Hello World~%")
Finally, this example shows how to create a collector pane onto the "Background Output
" stream.
(capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:collector-pane :buffer-name "Background Output"))
3.9.6 Stream panes
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:34:22