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slider Class


A pane with a sliding marker, which allows the user to control a numerical value within a specified range.





A function of two arguments, or a format string.
A generalized boolean.
A keyword.
An integer, a ratio or the keyword :default.
Cocoa only: relevancy, :continuous-capacity, :capacity, :rating, t or nil.





The class slider allows the user to enter a number by moving a marker on a sliding scale to the desired value.

show-value-p determines whether the slider displays the current value, on Microsoft Windows and GTK+. The default value is t. show-value-p is ignored on Cocoa.

start-point specifies which end of the slider is the start point in the range. The values allowed depend on the orientation of the slider. For horizontal sliders, start-point can take these values:

The start point is on the left.
The start point is on the right.
The start point is at the default side (the left).

For vertical sliders, start-point can take these values:

The start point is at the top.
The start point is at the bottom.
The start point is at the default position, which is the top on Microsoft Windows and Motif, and the bottom on Cocoa.

tick-frequency specifies the spacing of tick marks drawn on the slider. If tick-frequency is :default, then the slider may or may not draw tick marks according the OS conventions. If tick-frequency is 0, then no tick marks are drawn. If tick-frequency is a ratio 1/N for integer N>1, then tick marks are drawn to divide the slider range into N sections. Otherwise tick-frequency should be an integer greater than 1 which specifies the spacing of tick marks in units between start and end. The default value of tick-frequency is :default.

On Cocoa, if level-indicator-style is non-nil, it specifies that the slider should be displayed as a level indicator, that is using Cocoa NSLevelIndicator instead of NSSlider. If level-indicator-style is t then the default style is used. Otherwise, level-indicator-style must be one of the keywords :relevancy, :continuous-capacity, :capacity or :rating, specifying using the correspnding style in Cocoa NSLevelIndicatorStyle.

print-function, when supplied, should be a function with signature:

print-function pane value => result

where pane is the slider pane, value is its current value, and result is a string or nil. When the slider pane displays the current value, it calls print-function and displays the value as result, unless that is nil, in which case the value is printed normally.

As a special case, print-function can also be a string, which is used as the format string in a call to format with one additional argument, the value, that is:

(format nil print-function value)

and the result of this call to format is displayed.

callback can be nil, meaning there is no callback. This is the default value. Otherwise, is a function of three arguments, the slider itself, the kind of movement and the new position. It has this signature:

callback slider how where

how can be one of :move or :drag.

where is an integer giving the new position the slider.

  1. :print-function is not implemented on Motif.
  2. :print-function has no effect on Cocoa because the slider pane never displays the value.
  3. Use of the print-function is determined when the slider pane is displayed. Setting the print-function in a slider that did not have a print-function when it was first displayed does not work until the slider is destroyed and displayed again. Therefore, if you want to display a slider without a print-function but set it later, initially you should supply a print-function that always returns nil, for example:
    (make-instance 'capi:slider
                   :start 10 :end 34
                   :print-function 'false)
  4. print-function is useful for displaying fractional values or values that grow logarithmically (or any other non-linear function), because the actual values in a slider are always integers that increase linearly as the slider moves.
  5. On Windows the value of a slider is displayed (when show-value-p is true) in a tooltip that is visible only while the user moves the marker with a mouse.
Compatibility note

In LispWorks 6.0 and earlier versions, ticks are drawn as if tick-frequency is :default.


Given the default start and end of 0 and 100, this gives ticks at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100:

(make-instance 'slider :tick-frequency 25)

while this gives ticks at 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100:

(make-instance 'slider :tick-frequency 1/5)

This example illustrates the use of print-function to display fractional and non-linear values ranges:

(example-edit-file "capi/elements/slider-print-function")
See also

3.9.4 Slider, Progress bar and Scroll bar

CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:34:22