Returns the currently selected items in a choice as a list of the items.
choice-selected-items choice => items
(setf choice-selected-items) items choice => items
choice⇩ |
A choice. |
items |
A list of items. |
items |
A list of items. |
The accessor choice-selected-items
accesses the currently selected items in a choice as a list of the items. A setf method is provided as a means of setting the currently selected items. Note that the items are compared by the test-function of choice - see collection for details.
In the case of :single-selection
choices, it is usually easier to use the complementary function choice-selected-item, which returns the selected item as its result.
First we set up a :multiple-selection
choice — in this case, a list panel.
(setq list (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:list-panel :items '(a b c d e) :visible-min-height '(:character 5) :interaction :multiple-selection :selection '(1 3))))
The following code line returns the selections of the list.
(capi:choice-selected-items list)
The selections of the list panel can be changed and redisplayed using the following code.
(capi:apply-in-pane-process list #'(setf capi:choice-selected-items) '(a c e) list) (capi:choice-selected-items list)
Note that interaction :multiple-selection
is not supported for lists on macOS.
5 Choices - panes with items
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:34:22