Displays the page setup dialog for a given printer.
page-setup-dialog &key screen owner printer continuation
screen⇩ |
A screen, or any argument accepted by convert-to-screen. |
owner⇩ |
A pane or nil . |
printer⇩ |
A printer or nil . |
continuation⇩ |
A function or nil . |
The function page-setup-dialog
displays the page setup dialog for printer. If printer is not specified, the dialog for the current printer is displayed.
The CAPI screen on which to display the dialog is given by screen, which is the current screen by default.
owner specifies an owner window for the dialog. See 10 Dialogs: Prompting for Input for details.
If continuation is non-nil, then it must be a function with a lambda list that accepts one argument. continuation is called with the values that would normally be returned by page-setup-dialog
. On Cocoa, passing continuation causes the dialog to be made as a window-modal sheet and display-dialog returns immediately, leaving the dialog on the screen. The with-dialog-results macro provides a convenient way to create a continuation function.
(example-edit-file "capi/printing/simple-print-port")
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:34:22