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ole-control-component Class


An implementation of the interfaces in the OLE Control protocol.





A function that is called when OLE embeds the Control in a container.
A function called just after the pane is created.
A function called just before the pane is destroyed.



The class ole-control-component provides an implementation of the interfaces in the OLE Control protocol, to allow a CAPI pane to be embedded in an OLE Control container implemented outside LispWorks. It is typically used with the macro define-ole-control-component to define a subclass of ole-control-component that implements a particular coclass from a type library. Instances of this class are usually created by the COM run time system, not by explicit calls to make-instance.

A function designator pane-function must be supplied. pane-function that is called when OLE embeds the Control in a container. It receives the component as its argument and should return a CAPI pane that will implement the visual aspects of the control.

Note: The pane returned by pane-function must be a output-pane, layout or interface in the current implementation. The pane is stored in the component and can be accessed using the reader ole-control-component-pane.

create-callback, if non-nil, is a function called when the pane returned by pane-function has been created in the window system. The argument is the pane itself. create-callback can perform initialization such as loading images.

destroy-callback, if non-nil, is a function called when the pane returned by pane-function is going to be destroyed. The argument is the pane itself. destroy-callback can perform cleanups.


When using an ole-control-component, the normal hierarchy of CAPI objects such as a layout and an interface do not exist above it. The layout and control of the top level window is the responsibility of the application that embeds the control. It can communicate with the control by using COM/Automation.

ole-control-component is implemented only in LispWorks for Windows. Load the functionality by (require "embed").

See also


CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:34:22