Modifies the contents and fill mode of a specified buffer.
modify-editor-pane-buffer pane &key contents flag fill fixed-fill force
pane⇩ |
An editor-pane. |
contents⇩ |
A string or nil . |
flag⇩ |
A keyword. |
fill⇩ |
A boolean, with special meaning for a fixnum and :default . |
fixed-fill⇩ |
An integer or nil . |
force⇩ |
A generalized boolean. |
The function modify-editor-pane-buffer
modifies the editor-pane pane according to the keyword arguments.
contents (if non-nil) supplies a new string to place in the buffer.
If fill is non-nil the editor fills each paragraph in the buffer. If fill is a fixnum then the buffer is filled at that width. If fill is :default
(the default value) and fixed-fill is supplied then the value fixed-fill is used. Otherwise the buffer is filled to the window width.
If force is true (the default), then an editor buffer is created for pane if it does not have one yet. If force is false then modify-editor-pane-buffer
will signal an error if pane does not have an editor buffer.
The argument flag is deprecated. You can supply the initarg :flag
when creating an editor-pane.
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:34:22