Returns the x coordinates of the end of each of the characters in a string if the string was printed to a graphics port.
compute-char-extents port string &optional font => extents
port⇩ |
A CAPI pane. |
string⇩ |
A string. |
font⇩ |
A font. |
extents |
An array of integers. |
The function compute-char-extents
returns the extents of the characters in string in the font associated with port, or of font if given. The extents are an array, one element per character, which gives the ending x coordinate of that character if the string was drawn to port.
Note: To compute the extents of the entire string for a given port or font, use port-string-width or get-string-extent.
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:33:27