Copies one area of a graphics port to another area of a different graphics port (deprecated).
pixblt to-port operation from-port to-x to-y width height from-x from-y
to-port⇩ |
A graphics port. |
operation⇩ |
A graphics state operation. |
from-port⇩ |
A graphics port. |
to-x⇩ |
A real number. |
to-y⇩ |
A real number. |
width⇩ |
A real number. |
height⇩ |
A real number. |
from-x⇩ |
A real number. |
from-y⇩ |
A real number. |
The function pixblt
copies one area of from-port to another area of to-port using the specified operation and mask. Both ports should be the same depth.
The corners of the copied rectangle are (from-x from-y), (from-x+width from-y), (from-x+width from-y+height) and (from-x from-y+height), which are interpreted as pixel positions in the window coordinates of from-port. The top left of the rectangle is copied to (to-x to-y) in to-port's coordinates. The graphics port transforms are not used.
operation is ignored when the drawing-mode is :quality
(the default). See 13.7.1 Combining pixels with :compatible drawing for valid values for operation.
is deprecated, because the :quality
drawing-mode does not support operation, and because it ignores the transformations, which means it does not always work as expected. In particular, it can draw at the wrong place if called in the dynamic extent of the display-callback of output-pane.
is deprecated -- use copy-area instead, which does take account of the transform. See also graphics-state parameter compositing-mode for a way to control how copy-area blends the source and the target.
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:33:27