Updates an item in a choice.
choice-update-item choice item
choice⇩ |
A choice. |
item⇩ |
An item. |
The function choice-update-item
updates the display of the item item in the choice choice. It should be called if the display of item (that is, the string returned by the print-function) changes.
Create a list panel that displays the status of something:
(defun my-print-an-item (item) (format nil "~a: ~a" (substitute-if-not #\space 'alphanumericp (symbol-name item)) (symbol-value item)))
(defvar *status-one* :on) (defvar *status-two* :off)
(setq list (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:list-panel :items '(*status-one* *status-two*) :print-function 'my-print-an-item :visible-min-height :text-height :visible-min-width :text-width)))
Setting the status variables does not change the display:
(setq *status-one* :error)
Update the item to change the display:
(capi:choice-update-item list '*status-one*)
This example also demonstrates choice-update-item
(example-edit-file "capi/choice/alternative-action-callback")
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:33:09