Provides a rectangular area in a pinboard-layout with drawing capabilities.
:pinboard |
The output pane on which the pinboard object is drawn. |
:activep |
If t , the pinboard object is made active. |
:graphics-args |
A plist of Graphics Ports drawing options. |
:automatic-resize |
A plist. |
:no-highlight |
A boolean. |
:x |
A geometry hint specifying the initial x position of the pinboard object in the pinboard. |
:y |
A geometry hint specifying the initial y position of the pinboard object in the pinboard. |
:external-min-width | |
A geometry hint specifying the initial minimum width of the pinboard object in the pinboard. | |
:external-min-height | |
A geometry hint specifying the initial minimum height of the pinboard object in the pinboard. | |
:external-max-width | |
A geometry hint specifying the initial maximum width of the pinboard object in the pinboard. | |
:external-max-height | |
A geometry hint specifying the initial maximum height of the pinboard object in the pinboard. | |
:visible-min-width |
A geometry hint specifying the initial minimum visible width of the pinboard object. |
:visible-min-height | |
A geometry hint specifying the initial minimum visible height of the pinboard object. | |
:visible-max-width |
A geometry hint specifying the initial maximum visible width of the pinboard object. |
:visible-max-height | |
A geometry hint specifying the initial maximum height of the pinboard object. | |
:internal-min-width | |
A geometry hint specifying the initial minimum width of the display region. | |
:internal-min-height | |
A geometry hint specifying the initial minimum height of the display region. | |
:internal-max-width | |
A geometry hint specifying the initial maximum width of the display region. | |
:internal-max-height | |
A geometry hint specifying the initial maximum height of the display region. |
The class pinboard-object
provides a rectangular area in a pinboard-layout with drawing and highlighting capabilities. A pinboard object behaves just like a simple pane within layouts, meaning that they can be placed into rows, columns and other layouts, and that they size themselves in the same way. The main distinction is that a pinboard object is a much smaller object than a simple pane as it does not need to create a native window for itself.
Each pinboard object is placed into a pinboard layout (or into a layout itself inside a pinboard layout), and then when the pinboard layout wishes to redisplay a region of itself, it calls the function draw-pinboard-object on each of the pinboard objects that are contained in that region (in the order that they are specified as children to the layout).
The graphics-args slot allows drawing options to be set. These include the font, the background and foreground colors, and others (see graphics-state). The graphics-args are used by the built-in pinboard-object
(all subclasses of pinboard-object
except drawn-pinboard-object) as extra arguments in calls to drawing functions. For example, to create a filled red rectangle object, you can use:
(make-instance 'capi:rectangle :filled t :x 100 :y 100 :visible-min-width 100 :visible-min-height 100 :graphics-args '(:foreground :red))
The graphics args can be accessed after creation using pinboard-object-graphics-args
, and it is also possible to modify a single value using pinboard-object-graphics-arg.
When no-highlight is t
, CAPI does not call draw-pinboard-object-highlighted even when the object is highlighted. Typically, the drawing function you supply (either the method draw-pinboard-object or the display-callback for drawn-pinboard-object) will do the highlight in this case, using pinboard-object-highlighted-p to check if they need to.
The geometry hints are interpreted as described for element. After creation, you can query the geometry of a pinboard-object
using the functions static-layout-child-position and static-layout-child-size and static-layout-child-geometry. You can also set the geometry using cl:setf with these functions.
By default a pinboard-object
does not accept the input focus.
There are a number of predefined pinboard objects provided by the CAPI. They are as follows:
Draws an ellipse. | |
Draws a rectangle. | |
Draws a title. | |
Draws a line. | |
Draws a right-angled line. | |
Draws an image. | |
Uses a user-defined display function. |
The main user of pinboard objects in the CAPI is the graph pane, which uses item-pinboard-object and line-pinboard-object to display its nodes and edges respectively.
To force a pinboard object to redraw itself call redraw-pinboard-object. The redrawing may be cached and displayed at a later date.
Call the generic functions highlight-pinboard-object and unhighlight-pinboard-object to highlight a pinboard and remove its highlighting. If you want non-standard highlighting, you can implement methods for your subclass of pinboard-object
You can test whether a whether a point or region coincides with a pinboard object by the generic functions over-pinboard-object-p and pinboard-object-overlap-p. The default methods assume a rectangle based on the geometry, which must always be the enclosing rectangle of the whole pinboard object. Therefore you only need to implement methods if your subclass of pinboard-object
has a non-rectangular shape.
automatic-resize makes the pinboard object resize automatically. This has an effect only if it is placed inside a static-layout (including subclasses like pinboard-layout). The effect is that when the static-layout is resized then the pinboard object also changes its geometry.
The value of automatic-resize defines how the pinboard object's geometry changes. It must be a plist of keywords and values which match the keywords of the function set-object-automatic-resize and are interpreted in the same way.
You can also control automatic resizing of a pinboard object using set-object-automatic-resize.
(example-edit-file "capi/graphics/pinboard-test")
(example-edit-file "capi/graphics/highlight-rectangle-pinboard")
(example-edit-file "capi/graphics/circled-graph-nodes")
There are further examples in 20 Self-contained examples.
6 Laying Out CAPI Panes
12.3 Creating graphical objects
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:33:09