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output-pane-stop-composition Function


Stops the ongoing composition.




output-pane-stop-composition output-pane &key process-p x y => result

A generalized boolean.
x, y
An integer or nil.
A string or nil.

The function output-pane-stop-composition stops the ongoing composition session if there is any, returning the currently composed string.

If process-p is true and there is a composition, the current composition string is processed as if the user committed it. That is, for each character, the user callbacks from the input model are invoked as if it was typed by the user. The default value of process-p is nil.

x and y provide coordinates for the callbacks. If either of them is nil, the current pointer position is used. When process-p is nil, x and y are ignored.

output-pane-stop-composition returns the current composition string, if any, or nil.

  1. A composition session is initiated and managed by the underlying windowing system (not CAPI) when it is set to use an input method which needs compositioning (mostly input methods for east Asian languages). You can tell when it happens by using :composition-callback in output-pane.
  2. Calling output-pane-stop-composition when there is no composition session has no effect.
  3. You will typically need to use output-pane-stop-composition when a gesture that is not processed by the input method (for example a mouse click) changes the interaction such that it does not make sense to continue the composition.
See also


CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:33:09