Returns filtering parameters for a filtering-layout.
filtering-layout-match-object-and-exclude-p filtering-layout display-message => regexp, excludep, added-filters-values
filtering-layout⇩ | |
display-message⇩ |
A generalized boolean. |
regexp |
A precompiled regular expression. |
excludep⇩ |
A boolean. |
added-filters-values⇩ |
The function filtering-layout-match-object-and-exclude-p
returns a regexp to use for filtering in filtering-layout.
The second returned value excludep specifies whether the filter should be used to exclude or include matches.
The third returned value added-filters-values is non-nil when filtering-layout has filters added by the initarg :added-filters
(see the documentation for filtering-layout). added-filters-values is a list containing the associated object from each selected check-button and from the selected item of each option-pane that were added. Note that added-filters-values does not contain anything for any added check-button that is currently unselected.
display-message is a generalized boolean controlling whether a message is displayed to the user if there is an error when compiling the regexp.
See filtering-layout for details.
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Macintosh version) - 18 Feb 2025 15:33:09