All Manuals > CLIM 2.0 User Guide > 1 Using CLIM

1.6 Testing Code Examples

These instructions assume that a CLIM image has already been built, or that CLIM has been loaded. Load CLIM via (require "clim"). See the Release Notes and Installation Guide for instructions on saving an image.

Below, '>' represents the Listener prompt which may appear differently in your Lisp image.

Load the sample file provided which contains CLIM code that defines an application frame:

> (load "<library-directory>/clim2/test/template.lisp")

Next, enter the following at the Lisp prompt:

> (run-frame-top-level
    (make-application-frame 'test :width 400 :height 500))

To exit the application and return to the Lisp top level, left-click on the Exit menu item. Enter (quit) at the Lisp prompt to quit Lisp.

CLIM 2.0 User Guide - 01 Dec 2021 19:38:55