All Manuals > LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide > 8 Installation on SPARC Solaris


8.2 Extracting software from the CD-ROM

LispWorks 7.1 for SPARC Solaris is supplied on a CD-ROM.

32-bit LispWorks 7.1 for SPARC Solaris is supplied in a tar archive also containing the associated products CLIM 2.0, KnowledgeWorks, and LispWorks ORB.

64-bit LispWorks 7.1 for SPARC Solaris is supplied in a tar archive containing each of the Editions.

In both cases, additionally there may be a patch installer which upgrades LispWorks to version 7.1.x. You need to complete the main installation before adding patches. You will need root access while installing these products.

8.2.1 Finding out which CD-ROM files you need

The following table shows the platforms upon which LispWorks is supported:

Platforms and associated codes


Hardware code

OS code

Sun Sparc (32-bit, Solaris 2.8 & later)



Sun Sparc (64-bit, Solaris 2.8 & later)



For Sun Sparc (32-bit) you need the files named lw71-sparc.tar and lwdoc71-unix.tar.

For Sun Sparc (64-bit) you need the files named lw71-sparc64.tar and lwdoc71-sparc64.tar.

In each case the first archive contains the LispWorks image, libraries and examples. The second archive contains the documentation for Common Lisp, LispWorks and the layered products.

8.2.2 Unpacking the CD-ROM files

To unpack the CD-ROM files:

  1. Mount the CD-ROM in your drive.
  2. Search the subdirectories of the mount point to find the tar files.
  3. Change directory to your installation directory (we recommend /usr/lib/lispworks/, which you may need to create) and decide which tar files you need.
  4. Use the following command to unpack each tar file:
% tar -xof filename

The LispWorks image file can be found at top level in the installation directory, named according to the operating system, platform, and LispWorks version number.

lispworks-7-1-0-sparc-solaris is the 32-bit LispWorks image and lispworks-7-1-0-sparc64-solaris is the 64-bit LispWorks image.

LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide - 19 Oct 2017
