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15.6 New CAPI features

See the CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual for more details of these, unless directed otherwise. This section is not relevant to LispWorks for Mobile Runtime.

15.6.1 capi:stacked-tree class added

The new class capi:stacked-tree displays a tree where each node has an associated value, with child nodes that represent a fraction of that value. Each node is displayed as a rectangle whose width corresponds to the value. Child nodes are displayed below the node to make a stack of rectangles.

15.6.2 Customizing graph-pane edge objects

The class capi:graph-pane now has an initarg :edge-pane-function, which is a function that is called to create an element for each edge. All previous versions of LispWorks have this initarg too, but it has not been documented until now.

15.6.3 Waiting for a function call to return in a pane's process

The new functions capi:apply-in-pane-process-wait-single and capi:apply-in-pane-process-wait-multiple call a function in the process associated with a pane and wait for the values to be returned.

15.6.4 Displaying HTML from a string

The new function capi:browser-pane-set-content sets the contents of a capi:browser-pane to a string. This is supported on Windows and Mac OS X.

15.6.5 Set the appearance of panes inside interfaces of a specific type

The new functions capi:set-interface-pane-name-appearance and capi:set-interface-pane-type-appearance set the appearance (foreground, background, font) of panes inside interfaces of a specific type. This allows customization of an application's fonts and colors without changing every occurrence of the pane in the source code.

15.6.6 Simplified way to update internal scroll parameters

The new function capi:update-internal-scroll-parameters updates the internal scroll parameters. It is intended to be used in your scroll-callback when using internal scrolling (see simple-pane and "output-pane scrolling").

15.6.7 Optional new directory prompter on Windows

The function capi:prompt-for-directory now displays a more modern-looking directory prompter when the "shell-objs" module has been loaded (not the default).

15.6.8 Allowing a layout to change its background color

The background of an instance of capi:layout (inherited from capi:simple-pane) can now be set to :background initially, to make the layout without a background initially but allow it to be changed later.

LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide - 19 Oct 2017
