Defines a new conflict resolution tactic named tactic-name. The type of the tactic may be :static
if the body does not look into the slots of the objects making up the instantiation, otherwise :dynamic
. The lambda-list binds to two instantiation objects and the function body body should return non-nil if and only if the first instantiation object is preferred to the second. deftactic
also defines a function of the same and body can be preceded by a documentation string.
The newly defined tactic may be used as any in-built tactic.
(deftactic prefer-trucks :static (inst1 inst2)
(flet ((truck-p (obj) (typep obj 'truck)))
(and (some #'truck-p (inst-token inst1))
(notany #'truck-p (inst-token inst2)))))
The new tactic may be used in a defcontext
(defcontext my-context :strategy (prefer-trucks))
KnowledgeWorks and Prolog User Guide (Macintosh version) - 24 Mar 2017