The define-foreign-type and define-foreign-converter macros allow the definition of parameterized types. For example, assume you want to create a foreign type that matches the Lisp type unsigned-byte
when supplied with an argument of one of 8, 16, or 32. The following code achieves this:
(fli:define-foreign-type unsigned-byte (&optional (bitsize '*))
(case bitsize
(8 '(:unsigned :byte))
(16 '(:unsigned :short))
(32 '(:unsigned :int))
(otherwise (error "Illegal foreign type (~s ~s)"
'unsigned-byte bitsize))))
This defines the new foreign type unsigned-byte
that can be used anywhere within the FLI as one of
Specifying anything else returns an error.
LispWorks Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 29 Sep 2017