All Manuals > LispWorks Editor User Guide > 5 Emulation


5.2 Key bindings

The key bindings for KDE/Gnome editor emulation are supplied in the LispWorks library file config/msw-key-binds.lisp. This file is loaded the first time that you use KDE/Gnome editor emulation, or on startup if your preference is stored.

5.2.1 Finding the keys

There are several ways to find the key for a given command, and the command on a given key:

5.2.2 Modifying the Key Bindings

As in Emacs emulation, the key sequences to which individual commands are bound can be changed, and key bindings can be set up for commands which are not, by default, bound to any key sequences.

Interactive means of modifying key bindings are described in Key bindings. Key bindings can also be defined programmatically via editor:bind-key forms similar to those in msw-key-binds.lisp.

However, note that you must use editor:set-interrupt-keys if you wish to alter the abort gesture.

5.2.3 Accessing Emacs keys

When KDE/Gnome emulation is on, Emacs keys are still available via the prefix Ctrl+E. For example, to invoke the command WFind File, enter:

Ctrl+E Ctrl+X Ctrl+F

5.2.4 The Alt modifier and editor bindings

In Microsoft Windows emulation on Microsoft Windows, keystrokes with the Alt modifier key are used by the system to activate the menu bar. Therefore these keystrokes, for example Alt+A and Alt+Ctrl+A are not available to the editor.

Windows accelerators always take precedence over editor key bindings, so in Emacs emulation the Alt modifier key only acts as Meta though keystrokes with Alt if there is no accelerator which matches.

On Cocoa, the preference for the Meta key affects the operation of menu accelerators (shortcuts). If Command is used as Meta, then it will not be available for use as an accelerator.

LispWorks Editor User Guide (Unix version) - 17 Aug 2017
