All Manuals > Common Lisp Interface Manager 2.0 User's Guide > Appendix E Windows > E.2 Functions for Operating on Windows Directly



(setf command-enabled) (generic function) 215

(setf cursor-visibility) (generic function) 332

(setf delegate-sheet-delegate) (generic function) 461

(setf frame-command-table) (generic function) 210

(setf frame-current-layout) (generic function) 213

(setf frame-manager) (generic function) 220

(setf frame-manager-dialog-view) (generic function) 316

(setf frame-manager-menu-view) (generic function) 309

(setf frame-pretty-name) (generic function) 210

(setf frame-properties) (generic function) 218

(setf gadget-client) (generic function) 252

(setf gadget-id) (generic function) 252

(setf gadget-label) (generic function) 256

(setf gadget-label-align-x) (generic function) 256

(setf gadget-label-align-y) (generic function) 257

(setf gadget-label-text-style) (generic function) 257

(setf gadget-max-value) (generic function) 257

(setf gadget-min-value) (generic function) 257

(setf gadget-value) (generic function) 254

(setf graph-node-children) (generic function) 443

(setf graph-node-parents) (generic function) 443

(setf graph-root-nodes) (generic function) 441

(setf medium-background) (generic function) 71 , 471

(setf medium-buffering-output-p) (generic function) 338

(setf medium-clipping-region) (generic function) 72 , 472

(setf medium-default-text-style) (generic function) 73 , 473

(setf medium-foreground) (generic function) 71 , 471

(setf medium-ink) (generic function) 71 , 471

(setf medium-line-style) (generic function) 72 , 472

(setf medium-text-style) (generic function) 473

(setf medium-transformation) (generic function) 72 , 471

(setf pointer-cursor) (generic function) 379

(setf pointer-sheet) (generic function) 379

(setf port-keyboard-input-focus) (generic function) 459

(setf port-properties) (generic function) 484

(setf presentation-object) (generic function) 129

(setf presentation-single-box) (generic function) 129

(setf presentation-type) (generic function) 129

(setf radio-box-current-selection) (generic function) 262 , 263

(setf sheet-enabled-p) (generic function) 452

(setf sheet-region) (generic function) 454

(setf sheet-transformation) (generic function) 454

(setf space-requirement-height) (function) 238

(setf space-requirement-max-height) (function) 238

(setf space-requirement-max-width) (function) 237

(setf space-requirement-min-height) (function) 238

(setf space-requirement-min-width) (function) 237

(setf space-requirement-width) (function) 237

(setf stream-current-output-record) (generic function) 354

(setf stream-default-view) (generic function) 165

(setf stream-drawing-p) (generic function) 354

(setf stream-end-of-line-action) (generic function) 336

(setf stream-end-of-page-action) (generic function) 336

(setf stream-input-buffer) (generic function) 370

(setf stream-insertion-pointer) (generic function) 406

(setf stream-primary-pointer) (generic function) 371

(setf stream-recording-p) (generic function) 353

(setf stream-scan-pointer) (generic function) 407

(setf stream-text-cursor) (generic function) 332

(setf stream-text-margin) (generic function) 334

(setf text-style-mapping) (generic function) 105

(setf window-viewport-position) (generic function) 339

(setf* cursor-position) (generic function) 332

(setf* output-record-end-cursor-position) (generic function) 346

(setf* output-record-position) (generic function) 345

(setf* output-start-cursor-position) (generic function) 346

(setf* pointer-position) (generic function) 379

(setf* stream-cursor-position) (generic function) 333

(setf* stream-pointer-position) (generic function) 371

*abort-gestures* (variable) 374

*accelerator-gestures* (variable) 374

*activation-gestures* (variable) 394

*application-frame* (variable) 194 , 210

*command-argument-delimiters* (variable) 303

*command-dispatchers* (variable) 288 , 290

*command-name-delimiters* (variable) 303

*command-parser* (variable) 303

*command-unparser* (variable) 303

*completion-gestures* (variable) 399

*default-frame-manager* (variable) 220

*default-server-path* (variable) 484

*default-text-style* (variable) 98

*delimiter-gestures* (variable) 395

*help-gestures* (variable) 399

*input-context* (variable) 131

*input-wait-handler* (variable) 372

*input-wait-test* (variable) 372

*null-presentation* (variable) 137

*numeric-argument-marker* (variable) 303

*partial-command-parser* (variable) 303

*pointer-button-press-handler* (variable) 372

*pointer-documentation-output* (variable) 211

*possibilities-gestures* (variable) 399

*standard-activation-gestures* (variable) 394

*undefined-text-style* (variable) 99

*unsupplied-argument-marker* (variable) 303

+background-ink+ (constant) 114

+control-key+ (constant) 468

+everywhere+ (constant) 41

+fill+ (constant) 231

+flipping-ink+ (constant) 115

+foreground-ink+ (constant) 114

+gadget-dialog-view+ (constant) 166

+gadget-menu-view+ (constant) 166

+hyper-key+ (constant) 468

+identity-transformation+ (constant) 87

+meta-key+ (constant) 468

+nowhere+ (constant) 41

+pointer-documentation-view+ (constant) 166

+pointer-left-button+ (constant) 468

+pointer-middle-button+ (constant) 468

+pointer-right-button+ (constant) 468

+shift-key+ (constant) 468

+super-key+ (constant) 468

+textual-dialog-view+ (constant) 166

+textual-menu-view+ (constant) 166

:activate-callback (initarg) 255

:align-x (initarg) 256 , 438

:align-x (option) 232

:align-y (initarg) 256 , 438

:align-y (option) 232

:armed-callback (initarg) 252

:background (initarg) 328

:background (option) 229

:button (initarg) 464

:calling-frame (initarg) 195

:center-nodes (initarg) 441

:client (initarg) 252

:clipping-region (option) 76

:command-table (initarg) 194

:contents (option) 230

:current-selection (initarg) 262 , 263

:cutoff-depth (initarg) 441

:decimal-places (initarg) 267

:default-text-style (initarg) 328

:default-view (initarg) 328

:disabled-commands (initarg) 194

:disarmed-callback (initarg) 252

:display-after-commands (option) 241

:display-function (option) 242

:display-string (option) 242

:display-time (option) 242

:drag-callback (initarg) 265 , 267

:draw (option) 243

:editable-p (initarg) 269

:end-of-line-action (initarg) 328

:end-of-line-action (option) 243

:end-of-page-action (initarg) 328

:end-of-page-action (option) 243

:equalize-column-widths (initarg) 435

:foreground (initarg) 328

:foreground (option) 229

:generation-separation (initarg) 441

:hash-table (initarg) 441

:height (option) 231

:id (initarg) 252

:incremental-redisplay (option) 242

:indicator-type (initarg) 270

:initial-spacing (initarg) 439

:ink (option) 75

:input-buffer (initarg) 370

:items (initarg) 259 , 260

:key-name (initarg) 464

:label (initarg) 256

:line-cap-shape (option) 80

:line-dashes (option) 80

:line-joint-shape (option) 79

:line-style (option) 76

:line-thickness (option) 79

:line-unit (option) 79

:max-height (initarg) 440

:max-height (option) 231

:max-value (initarg) 257

:max-width (initarg) 440

:max-width (option) 231

:menu-bar (initarg) 195

:merge-duplicates (initarg) 441

:min-height (initarg) 438

:min-height (option) 231

:min-value (initarg) 257

:min-width (initarg) 438

:min-width (option) 231

:mode (initarg) 259

:modifier (initarg) 130

:modifier-state (initarg) 463

:motif (server-path) 483

:multiple-columns-x-spacing (initarg) 435

:name (initarg) 194

:name (option) 229

:name-key (initarg) 259 , 260

:n-columns (initarg) 440

:ncolumns (initarg) 269

:nlines (initarg) 269

:n-rows (initarg) 440

:number-of-quanta (initarg) 268

:number-of-tick-marks (initarg) 268

:object (initarg) 130

:orientation (initarg) 255 , 441

:output-record (option) 243

:panes (initarg) 195

:parent (initarg) 344

:pointer (initarg) 370 , 464

:port (initarg) 378

:pretty-name (initarg) 194

:properties (initarg) 195

:record (option) 243

:region (initarg) 467

:scroll-down-line-callback (initarg) 265

:scroll-down-page-callback (initarg) 265

:scroll-to-bottom-callback (initarg) 265

:scroll-to-top-callback (initarg) 265

:scroll-up-line-callback (initarg) 265

:scroll-up-page-callback (initarg) 265

:sheet (initarg) 331 , 463

:show-as-default (initarg) 261

:show-value-p (initarg) 267

:single-box (initarg) 130

:size (initarg) 344

:spacing (option) 232

:state (initarg) 195

:test (initarg) 259 , 260

:text-cursor (initarg) 370

:text-face (option) 101

:text-family (option) 100

:text-margin (initarg) 328

:text-margin (option) 242

:text-size (option) 101

:text-style (option) 77 , 229

:timestamp (initarg) 463

:transformation (option) 76

:type (initarg) 130

:value (initarg) 254

:value-changed-callback (initarg) 254

:value-key (initarg) 259 , 260

:vertical-spacing (initarg) 328

:vertical-spacing (option) 242

:view (initarg) 130

:width (option) 231

:win32 (server-path) 483

:within-generation-separation (initarg) 441

:x (initarg) 465

:x-position (initarg) 344

:x-spacing (initarg) 435 , 439

:x-spacing (option) 232

:y (initarg) 465

:y-position (initarg) 344

:y-spacing (initarg) 435 , 439

:y-spacing (option) 232



pane 196

presentation type

operators for 162

abort-gesture (condition) 374

abort-gesture-event (generic function) 374

*abort-gestures* (variable) 374

abstract gadget classes 258

abstract gadgets 247

abstract panes 226

accelerator-gesture (condition) 374

accelerator-gesture-event (generic function) 374

accelerator-gesture-numeric-argument (generic function) 375

*accelerator-gestures* (variable) 374

accelerators, keystroke 299

accept (function) 133

accept (presentation method) 159

accept methods, errors and conditions in 396

accept-1 (function) 134

accept-from-string (function) 135

accepting-values (macro) 312

accept-present-default (presentation method) 161

accept-values (application frame) 314

accept-values-command-button (macro) 315

accept-values-pane (command table) 284

accept-values-pane-displayer (function) 314

accept-values-resynchronize (generic function) 315

accessible (of commands) 282

accessing slots and components of application frames 206

accessors for

application frames 209 , 210

ellipses 58

polygons, polylines 50

action-gadget (class) 255

actions 274

:activate-callback (initarg) 255

activate-callback (callback) 255

activate-gadget (generic function) 253

activation gestures 394

activation-gesture-p (function) 394

*activation-gestures* (variable) 394

adaptive panes 226

adaptive toolkit 10

add-character-output-to-text-record (generic function) 351

add-command-to-command-table (function) 283

add-gesture-name (function) 376

add-keystroke-to-command-table (function) 299

add-menu-item-to-command-table (function) 294

add-output-record (generic function) 348

add-pointer-gesture-name (function) 175

add-presentation-translator-to-command-table (function) 297

add-string-output-to-text-record (generic function) 352

adjust-item-list-cells (generic function) 440

adjust-multiple-columns (generic function) 436

adjust-table-cells (generic function) 436

adopted frames 218

adopted sheets 450

adopt-frame (generic function) 221

affine transformations 83

:align-x (initarg) 256 , 438

:align-x (option) 232

:align-y (initarg) 256 , 438

:align-y (option) 232

allocate-pixmap (generic function) 34

allocate-resource (function) 516

allocate-space (generic function) 240

all-processes (function) 518

and (presentation type) 143

application frames 6 , 190

accessing slots and components 206

accessors for 209 , 210

defining 192

examples 207

initializing 203

interfacing with presentation types 222

operators for 209

protocol 194

template for 14

using :accept-values pane in 203

application objects, user interaction with 119

figure of 120

*application-frame* (variable) 194 , 210

application-frame (protocol class) 194

application-frame-p (function) 194

application-pane (leaf pane) 244


exiting 207

quitting 207

running 206

operators 213

applications, building portable, figure of 5

apply-in-sheet-process (function) 460

apply-presentation-generic-function (macro) 168


circular 54

elliptical 54

constructors for 57

area (protocol class) 40

areap (function) 40

:armed-callback (initarg) 252

armed-callback (callback) 253

arrow 426

axes, x and y

figure of 21


:background (initarg) 328

:background (option) 229

background 110

ink 114

+background-ink+ (constant) 114

basic gadget classes 251

basic input streams 368

basic stream protocol 522

basic-gadget (class) 251

basic-medium (class) 470

basic-pane (class) 227

basic-port (class) 483

basic-sheet (class) 449

bboard-pane (composite pane) 234

beep (generic function) 337

binary streams 529

binding forms, text style 104

blank-area (presentation type) 137

boolean (presentation type) 137

bordered output 432

examples of 432

bounded regions 38

bounding rectangle protocol 62

bounding rectangles 59

figure of 60

bounding-rectangle (generic function) 62

bounding-rectangle (protocol class) 60

bounding-rectangle* (generic function) 62

bounding-rectangle-height (generic function) 64

bounding-rectangle-max-x (generic function) 63

bounding-rectangle-max-y (generic function) 64

bounding-rectangle-min-x (generic function) 63

bounding-rectangle-min-y (generic function) 63

bounding-rectangle-p (function) 61

bounding-rectangle-position (generic function) 63

bounding-rectangle-size (generic function) 64

bounding-rectangle-width (generic function) 64

buffered output 337

bury-sheet (generic function) 451

:button (initarg) 464


callbacks 246

:calling-frame (initarg) 195

call-presentation-menu (function) 185

call-presentation-translator (function) 185

cell formatting protocol 438

cell-align-x (generic function) 439

cell-align-y (generic function) 439

cell-min-height (generic function) 439

cell-min-width (generic function) 439

cell-output-record (protocol class) 438

cell-output-record-p (function) 438

:center-nodes (initarg) 441

change-space-requirements (generic function) 239

changing-space-requirements (macro) 239

character (presentation type) 138


input streams 525

output streams 527

check-box (class) 263

check-box gadget 262

check-box-current-selection (generic function) 263

check-box-pane (class) 264

check-box-selections (generic function) 263

child sheets 446

child-containing-position (generic function) 456

children-overlapping-rectangle* (generic function) 456

children-overlapping-region (generic function) 456

circular arcs 54


basic sheet 449

CLIM events, figure of 462

extended stream pane 243


abstract 258

basic 251

output records 349


layout 232

repaint protocol 477

sheet genealogy 453

sheet geometry 456

sheet input protocol 461

sheet output protocol 473

stream 522

structure of regions, figure of 39

class-presentation-type-name (function) 148

clear-output-record (generic function) 348

clear-resource (function) 517

:client (initarg) 252

clients 247

clim-stream-pane (leaf pane) 243

:clipping-region (option) 76

close (generic function) 525

color (protocol class) 111

color-ihs (generic function) 113

colorp (function) 111

color-rgb (generic function) 113

colors 111


ink 114

concepts 110

examples of drawing in 115


ink 114

objects 111

operators 112

predefined names 114

rendering 111

column-output-record (protocol class) 437

column-output-record-p (function) 437


objects 278

command (presentation type) 145 , 286

command line names 276

command line processors 298

input editing 298

command loops 12 , 190 , 288

command menus 293

command names 276

command processors 288 , 302

input editor 288

command tables 274 , 281 , 291

conditions 285

predefined 284

command translators 12

command-accessible-in-command-table-p (function) 292

command-already-present (error condition) 285

*command-argument-delimiters* (variable) 303

command-arguments (function) 278

*command-dispatchers* (variable) 288 , 290

command-enabled (generic function) 215

(setf command-enabled) (generic function) 215

command-line-command-parser (function) 302

command-line-command-unparser (function) 302

command-line-name-for-command (function) 292 , 299

command-line-read-remaining-arguments-for-partial-command (function) 302

command-menu-item-options (function) 296

command-menu-item-type (function) 296

command-menu-item-value (function) 296

command-menu-pane (leaf pane) 244

command-name (function) 278

command-name (presentation type) 145 , 287

*command-name-delimiters* (variable) 303

command-not-accessible (error condition) 285

command-not-present (error condition) 285

command-or-form (presentation type) 145 , 287

*command-parser* (variable) 303

command-present-in-command-table-p (function) 292

commands 274

accessible 282

defined 278

defining 275

input editor 391

present 281

presentation types for 286

processor 288 , 302

:command-table (initarg) 194

command-table (protocol class) 282

command-table-already-exists (error condition) 285

command-table-complete-input (function) 293

command-table-error (error condition) 285

command-table-inherit-from (generic function) 282

command-table-name (generic function) 282

command-table-not-found (error condition) 285

command-table-p (function) 282

*command-unparser* (variable) 303

complete-from-generator (function) 401

complete-from-possibilities (function) 402

complete-input (function) 399

completing-from-suggestions (macro) 402

completion (presentation type) 140

completion, string 399

*completion-gestures* (variable) 399

complex (presentation type) 138

compose-rotation-with-transformation (function) 90

compose-scaling-with-transformation (function) 90

compose-space (generic function) 240

compose-transformations (generic function) 89

compose-transformation-with-rotation (function) 90

compose-transformation-with-scaling (function) 90

compose-transformation-with-translation (function) 90

compose-translation-with-transformation (function) 90

composite panes 226

composition, region 42

compound drawing functions 30

constructors for

ellipses and elliptical arcs 57

polygons and polylines 49

transformations 84

:contents (option) 230

contrasting-dash-pattern-limit (generic function) 81

contrasting-inks-limit (generic function) 113

+control-key+ (constant) 468

coordinate (type) 40

coordinate system, local 22

figure of 22

coordinates 21

copy-area (generic function) 35

copy-from-pixmap (generic function) 35

copy-to-pixmap (generic function) 34

current-process (function) 518

:current-selection (initarg) 262 , 263

cursor (protocol class) 331

cursorp (function) 331

cursor-position (generic function) 332

(setf* cursor-position) (generic function) 332


stream text

protocol 332


protocol 331

cursors, text 329

cursor-sheet (generic function) 331

cursor-visibility (generic function) 332

(setf cursor-visibility) (generic function) 332

:cutoff-depth (initarg) 441


DAG (directed acyclic graph) 424

deactivate-gadget (generic function) 253

deallocate-pixmap (generic function) 34

deallocate-resource (function) 517

:decimal-places (initarg) 267

default-describe-presentation-type (function) 148

*default-frame-manager* (variable) 220

default-frame-top-level (generic function) 214

*default-server-path* (variable) 484

*default-text-style* (variable) 98

:default-text-style (initarg) 328

:default-view (initarg) 328

defgeneric* (macro) 520

define-application-frame (macro) 192 , 209

define-border-type (macro) 433

define-command (macro) 278

define-command-table (macro) 282

define-default-presentation-method (macro) 167

define-drag-and-drop-translator (macro) 179

define-gesture-name (macro) 376

define-graph-type (macro) 441

define-presentation-action (macro) 178

define-presentation-generic-function (macro) 167

define-presentation-method (macro) 158

define-presentation-to-command-translator (macro) 178 , 277

define-presentation-translator (macro) 176

define-presentation-type (macro) 156

define-presentation-type-abbreviation (macro) 163


application frames 192

commands 275

pane types 245

presentation methods 158

presentation translators 181

examples 181

operators for 176

presentation types

abbreviations, operators for 162

concepts 152

examples 154

operators for 156

defmethod* (macro) 520

defresource (macro) 515

degrafted sheets 450

delegate-sheet-delegate (generic function) 461

(setf delegate-sheet-delegate) (generic function) 461

delegate-sheet-input-mixin (class) 461

delete-gesture-name (function) 377

delete-output-record (generic function) 348

delimiter gestures 394

delimiter-gesture-p (function) 395

*delimiter-gestures* (variable) 395

derived bounding rectangles 59

describe-presentation-type (function) 145

describe-presentation-type (presentation method) 160

destroy-port (generic function) 485

destroy-process (function) 517

device events 462

device events, standard 462

device-event (class) 463


concepts 306

examples 316

operators for 312

directed acyclic graphs 424

figure of 424

disable-command (function) 290

disabled frames 218

disabled sheets 450

:disabled-commands (initarg) 194

disable-frame (generic function) 221

:disarmed-callback (initarg) 252

disarmed-callback (callback) 253

disowned frames 218

disowned sheets 450

disown-frame (generic function) 221

dispatch-event (generic function) 459

:display-after-commands (option) 241

display-command-menu (generic function) 216 , 294

display-command-table-menu (generic function) 293

display-cursor (generic function) 332

displayed-output-record (protocol class) 344

displayed-output-record-p (function) 344

display-exit-boxes (generic function) 314

:display-function (option) 242

:display-string (option) 242

:display-time (option) 242

distribute-event (generic function) 459

do-command-table-inheritance (macro) 291

document-presentation-translator (function) 185

:drag-callback (initarg) 265 , 267

drag-callback (callback) 266 , 267

dragging-output (macro) 384

drag-output-record (generic function) 383

:draw (option) 243

draw-arrow (function) 30

draw-arrow* (function) 30

draw-circle (function) 29

draw-circle* (function) 29

draw-ellipse (function) 28

draw-ellipse* (function) 28

drawing functions 24

compound 30

examples 23

figure of 23

general behavior of 36

LispWorks Graphics Ports 64

medium-specific 37

spread version 46

drawing options, using 74

drawing plane 20

figure of 20

draw-line (function) 25

draw-line* (function) 26

draw-lines (function) 26

draw-lines* (function) 26

draw-oval (function) 31

draw-oval* (function) 31

draw-pattern* (function) 32

draw-point (function) 25

draw-point* (function) 25

draw-points (function) 25

draw-points* (function) 25

draw-polygon (function) 26

draw-polygon* (function) 26

draw-rectangle (function) 27

draw-rectangle* (function) 27

draw-rectangles (function) 27

draw-rectangles* (function) 27

draw-standard-menu (function) 310

draw-text (function) 29

draw-text* (function) 29


:editable-p (initarg) 269

editing, input 388


bounding parallelogram, table of 55

ellipse (protocol class) 56

ellipse-center-point (generic function) 58

ellipse-center-point* (generic function) 58

ellipse-end-angle (generic function) 59

ellipsep (function) 56

ellipse-radii (generic function) 58

ellipses 54

accessors for 58

as specified by parallelograms, figure of 55

constructors for 57

ellipse-start-angle (generic function) 59

elliptical arcs 54

constructors for 57

elliptical-arc (protocol class) 56

elliptical-arc-p (function) 56

enable-command (function) 290

enabled frames 218

enabled sheets 450

enable-frame (generic function) 221

:end-of-line-action (initarg) 328

:end-of-line-action (option) 243

:end-of-page-action (initarg) 328

:end-of-page-action (option) 243

:equalize-column-widths (initarg) 435

erase-input-buffer (generic function) 408

erase-output-record (generic function) 347

even-scaling-transformation-p (generic function) 89

event (protocol class) 462

event classes, figure of 462

event-listen (generic function) 460

event-modifier-state (generic function) 464

eventp (function) 463

event-peek (generic function) 460

event-read (generic function) 459

event-read-no-hang (generic function) 460

events 9 , 462

client 458

defined 174

dispatching 458

distributing 458

keyboard 458

pointer 458

standard device 462

event-sheet (generic function) 463

event-timestamp (generic function) 463

event-type (generic function) 463

event-unread (generic function) 460

+everywhere+ (constant) 41

execute-frame-command (generic function) 215 , 289

exiting an application 207

expand-presentation-type-abbreviation (function) 164

expand-presentation-type-abbreviation-1 (function) 164

expression (presentation type) 144

extended input streams 369

conditions 374

protocol 370

extended output streams 327

extended stream panes 190 , 226 , 240

classes 243

making 244

options 240

extended stream protocol 522

extended-input-stream (protocol class) 369

extended-input-stream-p (function) 369

extended-output-stream (protocol class) 328

extended-output-stream-p (function) 328


+fill+ (constant) 231

filled-in areas 77

filling-output (macro) 431

find-applicable-translators (function) 184

find-command-from-command-line-name (function) 292 , 298

find-command-table (function) 283

find-frame-manager (function) 219

find-graft (function) 486

find-innermost-applicable-presentation (function) 186

find-keystroke-item (function) 300

find-menu-item (function) 296

find-pane-for-frame (generic function) 222

find-pane-named (generic function) 212

find-port (function) 483

find-presentation-translator (function) 298

find-presentation-translators (function) 183

find-presentation-type-class (function) 148

flipping ink 115

example 117

+flipping-ink+ (constant) 115

float (presentation type) 138

:foreground (initarg) 328

:foreground (option) 229

foreground 110

ink 114

+foreground-ink+ (constant) 114

form (presentation type) 144

format-graph-from-roots (function) 425

format-items (function) 416

format-textual-list (function) 416 , 430



protocol 438

graphs 424

concepts 424

examples 428

operators for 425

protocol 440

item lists 411

protocol 439

protocols for tables, item lists, and graphs 434

rows and columns

protocol 437

tables 410

calendar month example, figure of 420

examples 417

figure of 421 , 423

from a list, figure of 418

operators for 411

output records of, figure of 343

protocol 435

text 430

formatting-cell (macro) 414

formatting-column (macro) 413

formatting-item-list (macro) 414

formatting-row (macro) 413

formatting-table (macro) 411

frame managers 10 , 190 , 218

finding 219

layout protocol 236

operators 220

frame-calling-frame (generic function) 212

frame-command-table (generic function) 210

(setf frame-command-table) (generic function) 210

frame-current-layout (generic function) 213

(setf frame-current-layout) (generic function) 213

frame-current-panes (generic function) 212

frame-document-highlighted-presentation (generic function) 223

frame-drag-and-drop-feedback (generic function) 224

frame-drag-and-drop-highlighting (generic function) 224

frame-error-output (generic function) 211

frame-exit (generic function) 216

frame-exit (restart) 216

frame-find-innermost-applicable-presentation (generic function) 223

frame-input-context-button-press-handler (generic function) 223

frame-maintain-presentation-histories (generic function) 223

frame-manager (generic function) 220

(setf frame-manager) (generic function) 220

frame-manager (protocol class) 218

frame-manager-dialog-view (generic function) 316

frame-manager-frames (generic function) 221

frame-manager-menu-choose (generic function) 309

frame-manager-menu-view (generic function) 309

frame-manager-notify-user (generic function) 217

frame-manager-p (function) 219

frame-name (generic function) 210

frame-panes (generic function) 212

frame-parent (generic function) 212

frame-pointer-documentation-output (generic function) 211

frame-pretty-name (generic function) 210

(setf frame-pretty-name) (generic function) 210

frame-properties (generic function) 218

(setf frame-properties) (generic function) 218

frame-query-io (generic function) 211

frame-replay (generic function) 217

frames 6 , 190

adopted 218

application 6 , 190

accessing slots and components 206

accessors for 209 , 210

defining 192

examples 207

initializing 203

operators for 209

protocol 194

disabled 218

disowned 218

enabled 218

shrunk 218

frame-standard-input (generic function) 210

frame-standard-output (generic function) 211

frame-state (generic function) 221

frame-top-level-sheet (generic function) 213

funcall-presentation-generic-function (macro) 167


composite pane 235

drawing 24 , 64

compound 30

examples 23

figure of 23

general behavior of 36

medium-specific 37

spread versions of 46

low-level, for presentation translators 183

mirrored sheet 489

mirrors 489

presentation type 145

repaint protocol 476

sheet geometry 454

sheet input protocol 458

sheet output protocol 473

stream 524

text style 101

transformation 89

window stream pane 338

fundamental-binary-input-stream (class) 524

fundamental-binary-output-stream (class) 524

fundamental-binary-stream (class) 523

fundamental-character-input-stream (class) 523

fundamental-character-output-stream (class) 524

fundamental-character-stream (class) 523

fundamental-input-stream (class) 523

fundamental-output-stream (class) 523

fundamental-stream (class) 523


gadget (protocol class) 251

gadget id 248

gadget-activate-callback (generic function) 255

gadget-active-p (generic function) 253

gadget-armed-callback (generic function) 252

gadget-client (generic function) 252

(setf gadget-client) (generic function) 252

+gadget-dialog-view+ (constant) 166

gadget-dialog-view (class) 166

gadget-disarmed-callback (generic function) 252

gadget-id (generic function) 252

(setf gadget-id) (generic function) 252

gadget-label (generic function) 256

(setf gadget-label) (generic function) 256

gadget-label-align-x (generic function) 256

(setf gadget-label-align-x) (generic function) 256

gadget-label-align-y (generic function) 256

(setf gadget-label-align-y) (generic function) 257

gadget-label-text-style (generic function) 257

(setf gadget-label-text-style) (generic function) 257

gadget-max-value (generic function) 257

(setf gadget-max-value) (generic function) 257

+gadget-menu-view+ (constant) 166

gadget-menu-view (class) 166

gadget-min-value (generic function) 257

(setf gadget-min-value) (generic function) 257

gadget-orientation (generic function) 256

gadget-output-record (class) 271

gadgetp (function) 251

gadget-range (generic function) 258

gadget-range* (generic function) 258

gadgets 246

abstract 247

abstract classes 258

basic classes 251

check-box 262

client 247

id 248

implementing 249

integrating with output records 270

label 258

list-pane 259

menu-button 261

option-pane 259

panes 190

push-button 261

radio-box 262

scroll-bar 264

slider 267

text-editor 268

text-field 268

toggle-button 269

using 247

gadget-show-value-p (generic function) 268

gadget-value (generic function) 254 , 260 , 263 , 267 , 268 , 269 , 270

(setf gadget-value) (generic function) 254

gadget-value (generic function) 269

gadget-value-changed-callback (generic function) 254

generate-graph-nodes (generic function) 441

generate-panes (generic function) 222

:generation-separation (initarg) 441

generic-list-pane (class) 260

generic-option-pane (class) 260

geometric objects 38

geometry, sheet 454

functions 454

notifications 478

geometry, sheet classes 456

gesture names 174 , 375

standard 377

gestures 375

activation 394

defined 174

delimiter 394

keyboard 375

pointer 174 , 375

get-frame-pane (generic function) 212

global-command-table (command table) 284

graft (generic function) 487

grafted sheets 450

graft-height (generic function) 487

graft-orientation (generic function) 487

graft-pixels-per-inch (function) 488

graft-pixels-per-millimeter (function) 488

grafts 8 , 446 , 486

graft-units (generic function) 487

graft-width (generic function) 487


mixing with text 335

output recording 355

output records 350

protocols 36

graphics-displayed-output-record (protocol class) 350

graphics-displayed-output-record-p (function) 350

graph-node-children (generic function) 443

(setf graph-node-children) (generic function) 443

graph-node-object (generic function) 443

graph-node-output-record (protocol class) 442

graph-node-output-record-p (function) 442

graph-node-parents (generic function) 443

(setf graph-node-parents) (generic function) 443

graph-output-record (protocol class) 440

graph-output-record-p (function) 441

graph-root-nodes (generic function) 441

(setf graph-root-nodes) (generic function) 441


acyclic 424

directed 424

directed acyclic 424

figure of 424

formatting 424

concepts 424

examples 428

operators for 425

protocol 440


figure of 428


figure of 429


handle-event (generic function) 459

handle-repaint (generic function) 476

hardcopy streams 529

:hash-table (initarg) 441

hbox-pane (composite pane) 232

:height (option) 231

*help-gestures* (variable) 399

hierarchies of interactive regions 446

highlight-applicable-presentation (function) 187

highlight-output-record (generic function) 347

highlight-presentation (presentation method) 162

horizontally (macro) 232

hrack-pane (composite pane) 234

+hyper-key+ (constant) 468


:id (initarg) 252

+identity-transformation+ (constant) 87

identity-transformation-p (generic function) 88

immediate-repainting-mixin (class) 477

immediate-rescan (generic function) 407

immediate-sheet-input-mixin (class) 461

implementing gadgets 249

incremental redisplay

concepts 360

defined 360

example 365

operators for 361

using updating-output 363

:incremental-redisplay (option) 242

indenting-output (macro) 430

:indicator-type (initarg) 270

indirect inks 114

inheritance (in presentation types) 122 , 153

initializing application frames 203

:initial-spacing (initarg) 439

:ink (option) 75


background 114

flipping 115

example 117

foreground 114

indirect 114


accepting, operators for 131

by means of gadgets 130

contexts 173

nested 173

from users 130

operators 131

sheet protocol classes 461

sheet protocol functions 458

sheet protocols 458

standard 210 , 243

input buffers, reading and writing tokens in 397

input contexts 11 , 121 , 131

input editing 298 , 388

input editing stream protocol 406

input editor commands 391

table of 392

input editors 288

input of presentation types 130

input streams

basic 368

character 525

editing 388

extended 369

conditions 374

protocol 370

:input-buffer (initarg) 370

*input-context* (variable) 131

input-editing-stream (protocol class) 390

input-editing-stream-p (function) 390

input-not-of-required-type (condition) 396

input-not-of-required-type (function) 396

input-stream-p (generic function) 523

*input-wait-handler* (variable) 372

*input-wait-test* (variable) 372

integer (presentation type) 138

integrating gadgets and output records 270

interacting via

command line 298

command menus 293

keystroke accelerators 299

translators 297

interaction styles 286

command line 298

command menus 293

keystroke accelerators 299

mouse 297

interactive regions, hierarchies of 446

interactive-stream-p (generic function) 390

interactor-pane (leaf pane) 243

invalidate-cached-regions (generic function) 491

invalidate-cached-transformations (generic function) 491

invertible-transformation-p (generic function) 88

invert-transformation (generic function) 89

invoke-accept-values-command-button (generic function) 315

invoke-updating-output (generic function) 361

invoke-with-drawing-options (generic function) 75

invoke-with-new-output-record (generic function) 358

invoke-with-output-recording-options (generic function) 357

invoke-with-output-to-output-record (generic function) 359

invoke-with-text-style (generic function) 104

item lists

formatting protocol 439

item-list-output-record (protocol class) 439

item-list-output-record-p (function) 439

:items (initarg) 259 , 260


keyboard events 458

keyboard gestures 375

keyboard-event (class) 464

keyboard-event-character (generic function) 464

keyboard-event-key-name (generic function) 464

key-modifier-state-match-p (macro) 468

:key-name (initarg) 464

key-press-event (class) 464

key-release-event (class) 464

keystroke accelerators 299

table of 392

keyword (presentation type) 137


:label (initarg) 256

label gadgets 258

labelled-gadget-mixin (class) 256

labelling (macro) 258

label-pane (leaf pane) 258

layering CLIM over the host system, figure of 5

layout panes 190 , 230

classes 232

options 230

layout, protocol 236

layout-frame (generic function) 213

layout-graph-edges (generic function) 442

layout-graph-nodes (generic function) 442

leaf panes 226

defining 245

line (protocol class) 50

line protocol 51

line styles 78

options 78

line wrapping (text) 335

:line-cap-shape (option) 80

:line-dashes (option) 80

line-end-point (generic function) 52

line-end-point* (generic function) 51

:line-joint-shape (option) 79

linep (function) 51

lines 47 , 50

cap shapes, figure of 80

joint shapes, figure of 80

line-start-point (generic function) 52

line-start-point* (generic function) 51

:line-style (option) 76

line-style (protocol class) 78

line-style-cap-shape (generic function) 80

line-style-dashes (generic function) 80

line-style-joint-shape (generic function) 79

line-style-p (function) 78

line-style-thickness (generic function) 79

line-style-unit (generic function) 79

:line-thickness (option) 79

:line-unit (option) 79

list-pane (class) 259

list-pane gadgets 259

local coordinate system 22

figure of 22

lookup-keystroke-command-item (function) 301

lookup-keystroke-item (function) 301


make-3-point-transformation (function) 86

make-3-point-transformation* (function) 86

make-application-frame (function) 193 , 209

make-bounding-rectangle (function) 61

make-clim-application-pane (function) 245

make-clim-interactor-pane (function) 245

make-clim-stream-pane (function) 244

make-command-table (function) 283

make-contrasting-dash-patterns (function) 81

make-contrasting-inks (function) 112

make-design-from-output-record (generic function) 359

make-device-font-text-style (function) 106

make-ellipse (function) 57

make-ellipse* (function) 57

make-elliptical-arc (function) 57

make-elliptical-arc* (function) 57

make-flipping-ink (function) 115

make-gray-color (function) 112

make-ihs-color (function) 112

make-line (function) 51

make-line* (function) 51

make-line-style (function) 78

make-lock (function) 519

make-pane (function) 228

make-pane-1 (generic function) 228

make-pattern (function) 31

make-point (function) 47

make-polygon (function) 49

make-polygon* (function) 49

make-polyline (function) 49

make-polyline* (function) 49

make-presentation-type-specifier (function) 149 , 164

make-process (function) 517

make-rectangle (function) 53

make-rectangle* (function) 53

make-rectangular-tile (function) 32

make-recursive-lock (function) 519

make-reflection-transformation (function) 85

make-reflection-transformation* (function) 85

make-rgb-color (function) 112

make-rotation-transformation (function) 84

make-rotation-transformation* (function) 84

make-scaling-transformation (function) 85

make-scaling-transformation* (function) 85

make-space-requirement (function) 237

make-text-style (function) 100

make-transformation (function) 86

make-translation-transformation (function) 84

managers, frame 10 , 190 , 218

finding 219

layout protocol 236

operators for 220

map-over-column-cells (generic function) 438

map-over-command-table-commands (function) 291

map-over-command-table-keystrokes (function) 300

map-over-command-table-menu-items (function) 296

map-over-command-table-names (function) 291 , 299

map-over-command-table-translators (function) 298

map-over-grafts (function) 487

map-over-item-list-cells (generic function) 440

map-over-output-records-containing-position (generic function) 349

map-over-output-records-overlapping-region (generic function) 349

map-over-polygon-coordinates (generic function) 50

map-over-polygon-segments (generic function) 50

map-over-ports (function) 485

map-over-presentation-type-supertypes (function) 148

map-over-presentation-type-supertypes (presentation method) 161

map-over-region-set-regions (generic function) 44

map-over-row-cells (generic function) 437

map-over-table-elements (generic function) 436


text style 105

map-resource (function) 517

map-sheet-position-to-child (generic function) 455

map-sheet-position-to-parent (generic function) 455

map-sheet-rectangle*-to-child (generic function) 455

map-sheet-rectangle*-to-parent (generic function) 455

matching (presentation translators) 172

:max-height (initarg) 440

:max-height (option) 231

:max-value (initarg) 257

:max-width (initarg) 440

:max-width (option) 231

medium (protocol class) 470

medium-background (generic function) 71 , 471

(setf medium-background) (generic function) 71 , 471

medium-buffering-output-p (generic function) 338

(setf medium-buffering-output-p) (generic function) 338

medium-clipping-region (generic function) 72 , 472

(setf medium-clipping-region) (generic function) 72 , 472

medium-current-text-style (generic function) 73

medium-default-text-style (generic function) 73 , 473

(setf medium-default-text-style) (generic function) 73 , 473

medium-draw-ellipse* (generic function) 38

medium-draw-line* (generic function) 37

medium-draw-lines* (generic function) 37

medium-draw-point* (generic function) 37

medium-draw-points* (generic function) 37

medium-draw-polygon* (generic function) 37

medium-draw-rectangle* (generic function) 37

medium-draw-text* (generic function) 38

medium-foreground (generic function) 71 , 471

(setf medium-foreground) (generic function) 71 , 471

medium-ink (generic function) 71 , 471

(setf medium-ink) (generic function) 71 , 471

medium-line-style (generic function) 72 , 472

(setf medium-line-style) (generic function) 72 , 472

medium-merged-text-style (generic function) 473

mediump (function) 470

mediums 9 , 22 , 98 , 470

associating with a sheet 474

components 70

defined 70

medium-text-style (generic function) 73 , 472

(setf medium-text-style) (generic function) 73 , 473

medium-transformation (generic function) 72 , 471

(setf medium-transformation) (generic function) 72 , 471

member (presentation type abbreviation) 141

member-alist (presentation type abbreviation) 141

member-sequence (presentation type abbreviation) 141

:menu-bar (initarg) 195

menu-button (class) 261

menu-button gadgets 261

menu-button-pane (class) 261

menu-choose (generic function) 306

menu-choose-command-from-command-table (function) 294

menu-choose-from-drawer (generic function) 309

menu-command-parser (function) 302

menu-item-display (function) 311

menu-item-options (function) 311

menu-item-value (function) 311

menu-read-remaining-arguments-for-partial-command (function) 302


concepts 306

examples 316

:merge-duplicates (initarg) 441

merge-text-styles (generic function) 101

+meta-key+ (constant) 468


presentation 158

Microsoft Windows

themes 17

:min-height (initarg) 438

:min-height (option) 231

:min-value (initarg) 257

:min-width (initarg) 438

:min-width (option) 231

mirrored sheets 489

mirrors 489

functions 489

:mode (initarg) 259

:modifier (initarg) 130

:modifier-state (initarg) 463

:motif (server-path) 483

move-and-resize-sheet (generic function) 455

move-sheet (generic function) 454

:multiple-columns-x-spacing (initarg) 435

multiple-value setf 520

multi-processing 517

mute-repainting-mixin (class) 477

mute-sheet-input-mixin (class) 461

mute-sheet-output-mixin (class) 474


:name (initarg) 194

:name (option) 229

:name-key (initarg) 259 , 260

:n-columns (initarg) 440

:ncolumns (initarg) 269

nested input context 173

nested presentations 174

New in LispWorks 7.0

perform-gp-drawing (function) 65

with-gp-drawing-to-sheet (macro) 65

nil (presentation type) 136

:nlines (initarg) 269

note-command-disabled (generic function) 222

note-command-enabled (generic function) 222

note-frame-state-changed (generic function) 222

note-gadget-activated (generic function) 253

note-gadget-deactivated (generic function) 253

note-sheet-adopted (generic function) 478

note-sheet-degrafted (generic function) 478

note-sheet-disabled (generic function) 478

note-sheet-disowned (generic function) 478

note-sheet-enabled (generic function) 478

note-sheet-grafted (generic function) 478

note-sheet-region-changed (generic function) 478

note-sheet-transformation-changed (generic function) 478

note-space-requirements-changed (generic function) 239

notify-user (generic function) 217

+nowhere+ (constant) 41

:n-rows (initarg) 440

null (presentation type) 137

null-or-type (presentation type abbreviation) 144

*null-presentation* (variable) 137

number (presentation type) 137

:number-of-quanta (initarg) 268

:number-of-tick-marks (initarg) 268

*numeric-argument-marker* (variable) 303


:object (initarg) 130


application 119

figure of 120

color 111

command 278

controlling sensitivity 170

geometric 38

inheritance in presentation types 122 , 153

line style 78

point 46

text style 99

open-stream-p (generic function) 524

open-window-stream (function) 533

operators for

application frames 209

defining presentation translators 176

defining presentation types 156

dialogs 312

drawing in color 112

formatting graphs 425

formatting tables 411

frame managers 220

incremental redisplay 361

input 131

output 126

output recording 343

pointer gestures 175

presentation type abbreviations 162

presentation types 145

primitive window layer 533

running applications 213

viewport and scrolling in windows 532

views of presentation types 165

option-pane (class) 260

option-pane gadgets 259


application frames

:layouts 196

example 198

figure of 199 , 200 , 202

:pane 195

example 198

:panes 196

example 198


using 74

extended stream pane 240

layout panes 230

line style 78

pane initialization 228

text style 100

or (presentation type) 143

:orientation (initarg) 255 , 441

oriented-gadget-mixin (class) 255

origin 21

outlined-pane (composite pane) 234

outlining (macro) 234


bordered 432

examples of 432

buffered 337

character streams 527

flushing 337

sheet properties 470

sheet protocol classes 473

sheet protocol functions 473

sheet protocols 470

standard 211 , 244

with attached semantics 121

output operators 126

output recording

concepts 342

graphics 355

operators for 343

protocol 345

text 355

utilities 356

output recording streams 353

protocol 353

output records 114 , 342

bounding rectangle of, figure of 60

classes 349

graphics-displayed 350

history 342

integrating with gadgets 270

presentations 343


database 348

replaying 114

text-displayed 351

top-level 352

tree structure of, figure of 342

output streams

basic 326

extended 327

:output-record (option) 243

output-record (protocol class) 344

output-record-children (generic function) 348

output-record-count (generic function) 349

output-record-end-cursor-position (generic function) 346

(setf* output-record-end-cursor-position) (generic function) 346

output-recording-stream (protocol class) 353

output-recording-stream-p (function) 353

output-record-p (function) 344

output-record-parent (generic function) 346

output-record-position (generic function) 345

(setf* output-record-position) (generic function) 345

output-record-refined-sensitivity-test (generic function) 347

output-record-start-cursor-position (generic function) 345

(setf* output-start-cursor-position) (generic function) 346

output-stream-p (generic function) 523


packages, user 513

pane (protocol class) 227

pane hierarchy 236

pane-background (generic function) 229

pane-foreground (generic function) 229

pane-frame (generic function) 229

pane-name (generic function) 229

pane-needs-redisplay (generic function) 216

panep (function) 227

:panes (initarg) 195

panes 6 , 190 , 226

abbreviation 196

abstract 226

adaptive 226

composite 226

functions 235

constructing 227

defining 245

example 245

extended stream 190 , 226 , 240

classes 243

making 244

options 240

gadget 190

hierarchy 236

initialization options 228

layout 190 , 230 , 232

leaf 226

properties of 229

space allocation 236

space composition 236

space requirement 236

using :accept-values in application frames 203

window 338

stream, functions 338

pane-scroller (generic function) 235

panes-need-redisplay (generic function) 216

pane-viewport (generic function) 235

pane-viewport-region (generic function) 235

:parent (initarg) 344

parent sheets 446

parse-error (condition) 396

parse-error (function) 396

parse-text-style (generic function) 101

partial-command-p (function) 278

*partial-command-parser* (variable) 303

path (protocol class) 39

pathname (presentation type) 139

pathp (function) 40

patterns 31

perform-gp-drawing (function) 65

permanent-medium-sheet-output-mixin (class) 474

pixmap-depth (generic function) 34

pixmap-height (generic function) 34

pixmaps 33

pixmap-width (generic function) 34

plane, drawing 20

plist 322


coordinates 21

point (protocol class) 46

:pointer (initarg) 370 , 464


documentation 176 , 196

events 458

gestures 174 , 375

operators for 175

protocol 378

tracking 379

pointer (protocol class) 378

pointer-button-click-and-hold-event (class) 466

pointer-button-click-event (class) 466

pointer-button-double-click-event (class) 466

pointer-button-event (class) 466

pointer-button-hold-event (class) 466

pointer-button-press-event (class) 466

*pointer-button-press-handler* (variable) 372

pointer-button-release-event (class) 466

pointer-button-state (generic function) 379

pointer-cursor (generic function) 379

(setf pointer-cursor) (generic function) 379

*pointer-documentation-output* (variable) 211

pointer-documentation-pane (leaf-pane) 244

+pointer-documentation-view+ (constant) 166

pointer-documentation-view (class) 166

pointer-enter-event (class) 466

pointer-event (class) 464

pointer-event-button (generic function) 465

pointer-event-native-x (generic function) 465

pointer-event-native-y (generic function) 465

pointer-event-pointer (generic function) 465

pointer-event-shift-mask (generic function) 466

pointer-event-x (generic function) 465

pointer-event-y (generic function) 465

pointer-exit-event (class) 466

pointer-input-rectangle (function) 386

pointer-input-rectangle* (function) 385

+pointer-left-button+ (constant) 468

+pointer-middle-button+ (constant) 468

pointer-motion-event (class) 466

pointerp (function) 378

pointer-place-rubber-band-line* (function) 385

pointer-port (generic function) 378

pointer-position (generic function) 379

(setf* pointer-position) (generic function) 379

+pointer-right-button+ (constant) 468

pointer-sheet (generic function) 378

(setf pointer-sheet) (generic function) 379

pointp (function) 47

point-position (generic function) 47

points 46

objects 46

protocol 47

point-x (generic function) 47

point-y (generic function) 47

polygon (class) 48

polygonp (function) 48

polygon-points (generic function) 50

polygons 48

accessors for 50

constructors for 49

polyline (protocol class) 48

polyline-closed (generic function) 50

polylinep (function) 48

polylines 47

accessors for 50

closed 48

constructors for 49

:port (initarg) 378

port (generic function) 484

port (protocol class) 483

port-keyboard-input-focus (generic function) 459

(setf port-keyboard-input-focus) (generic function) 459

portp (function) 483

port-properties (generic function) 484

(setf port-properties) (generic function) 484

ports 8 , 446 , 483

port-server-path (generic function) 484

*possibilities-gestures* (variable) 399


region 41

transformation 88

present (function) 127

present (of commands) 281

present (presentation method) 160

presentation (protocol class) 128

presentation methods 158

presentation translators 12 , 122 , 131 , 182 , 297

applicability 172

concepts 170


examples 181

operators for 176

low-level functions 183

matching 172

using, figure of 13

presentation type specifiers 123

presentation types 11 , 121

abbreviations, operators for defining 162

basic 136

character 138

command 144 , 286

compound 143

concepts 119

constructor 143

defining 152

examples 154

operators for 156

form 144

functions 145

inheritance 122 , 125 , 153

input 130

interfacing application frames with 222

numeric 137

one-of 139

table of 15 , 140

operators for 145

output 125

pathname 139

predefined 136

sequence 142

some-of 139

table of 15 , 140

specifying 123

string 138

views for 165

views, operators for 165

presentation-default-preprocessor (presentation method) 166

presentation-matches-context-type (function) 185

presentation-modifier (generic function) 130

presentation-object (generic function) 129

(setf presentation-object) (generic function) 129

presentationp (function) 128

presentation-refined-position-test (presentation method) 162

presentation-replace-input (generic function) 397

presentations 11 , 120 , 343

finding applicable 186

nested 174

sensitive 170

presentation-single-box (generic function) 129

presentation-subtypep (function) 147

presentation-subtypep (presentation method) 161

presentation-type (generic function) 129

(setf presentation-type) (generic function) 129

presentation-type-direct-supertypes (function) 148

presentation-type-history (presentation method) 162

presentation-type-name (function) 146

presentation-type-of (function) 147

presentation-type-options (function) 146

presentation-typep (function) 146

presentation-typep (presentation method) 160

presentation-type-parameters (function) 146

presentation-type-specifier-p (function) 147

presentation-type-specifier-p (presentation method) 160

present-to-string (function) 128

:pretty-name (initarg) 194

print-menu-item (function) 311

process-interrupt (function) 518

process-wait (function) 518

process-wait-with-timeout (function) 518

process-yield (function) 518

prompt-for-accept (generic function) 135

prompt-for-accept-1 (function) 136

:properties (initarg) 195

properties of panes 229


application frame 194

basic stream 522

bounding rectangle 62

cell formatting 438

extended input stream 370

extended stream 522


for tables, item lists, and graphs 434

item lists 439

graph formatting 440

graphics 36

input editing stream 406

layout 236

line 51

output record 345

output record database 348

output recording stream 353

point 47

pointer 378

rectangle 53

repaint 476

repaint classes 477

repaint functions 476

row and column formatting 437

sheet 447 , 450

sheet input 458

sheet input classes 461

sheet input functions 458

sheet notification 478

sheet output 470

sheet output classes 473

sheet output functions 473

stream text cursor 332

table formatting 435

text 333

text cursor 331

transformation 87

push-button (class) 261

push-button gadgets 261

push-button-pane (class) 262

push-button-show-as-default (generic function) 262


query identifier 312

queue-event (generic function) 459

queue-repaint (generic function) 476

queue-rescan (generic function) 407

quitting an application 207


radio-box (class) 262

radio-box gadgets 262

radio-box-current-selection (generic function) 262

(setf radio-box-current-selection) (generic function) 262

radio-box-pane (class) 263

radio-box-selections (generic function) 263

raise-sheet (generic function) 451

range-gadget-mixin (class) 257

ratio (presentation type) 138

rational (presentation type) 138

read-command (function) 288

read-command-using-keystrokes (function) 290

read-frame-command (generic function) 215 , 289

read-gesture (function) 372

reading tokens 397

read-token (function) 397

realize-mirror (generic function) 490

:record (option) 243

rectangle (protocol class) 52

rectangle-edges* (generic function) 53

rectangle-height (generic function) 54

rectangle-max-point (generic function) 53

rectangle-max-x (generic function) 53

rectangle-max-y (generic function) 54

rectangle-min-point (generic function) 53

rectangle-min-x (generic function) 53

rectangle-min-y (generic function) 53

rectanglep (function) 52

rectangles 52

bounding 59

derived bounding 59

protocol 53

rectangle-size (generic function) 54

rectangle-width (generic function) 54

rectilinear-transformation-p (generic function) 89

redisplay (function) 362

redisplay, incremental

defined 360

example 365

operators for 361

using updating-output 363

redisplay-frame-pane (generic function) 216

redisplay-frame-panes (generic function) 217

redisplay-output-record (generic function) 363

redraw-input-buffer (generic function) 408

reflection 83

reflection-transformation-p (generic function) 88

reflection-underspecified (error condition) 87

:region (initarg) 467

region (protocol class) 39

region composition 42

region set 42

examples, figure of 46

normalization of rectangular, figure of 44

region-contains-position-p (generic function) 41

region-contains-region-p (generic function) 41

region-difference (generic function) 45

region-equal (generic function) 41

region-intersection (generic function) 45

region-intersects-region-p (generic function) 41

regionp (function) 39

regions 38

bounded 38

class structure of, figure of 39

examples, figure of 46

normalization 43

figure of 44

predicates 41

unbounded 38

region-set (protocol class) 42

region-set-p (function) 42

region-set-regions (generic function) 43

region-union (generic function) 44

remove-command-from-command-table (function) 284

remove-keystroke-from-command-table (function) 300

remove-menu-item-from-command-table (function) 295

remove-pointer-gesture-name (function) 175

remove-presentation-translator-from-command-table (function) 297

rendering 20 , 111

figure of 20

reorder-sheets (generic function) 452

repaint protocol 476

classes 477

functions 476

repaint-sheet (generic function) 476

replace-input (generic function) 397

replay (function) 346

replay-output-record (generic function) 347

rescan-if-necessary (generic function) 408

reset-scan-pointer (generic function) 407

resize-sheet (generic function) 455

resources 515

restart 216

restart-port (generic function) 485

restraining (macro) 235

restraining-pane (composite pane) 235

rigid-transformation-p (generic function) 88

rotation 83

row-output-record (protocol class) 437

row-output-record-p (function) 437

rows and columns, formatting protocol 437

run-frame-top-level (:around method) 214

run-frame-top-level (generic function) 214

running applications 206

operators for 213


scaling transformations 83

scaling-transformation-p (generic function) 89

scroll-bar (class) 264

scroll-bar gadgets 264

scroll-bar-drag-callback (generic function) 265

scroll-bar-pane (class) 267

scroll-bar-scroll-down-line-callback (generic function) 265

scroll-bar-scroll-down-page-callback (generic function) 265

scroll-bar-scroll-to-bottom-callback (generic function) 265

scroll-bar-scroll-to-top-callback (generic function) 265

scroll-bar-scroll-up-line-callback (generic function) 265

scroll-bar-scroll-up-page-callback (generic function) 266

:scroll-down-line-callback (initarg) 265

scroll-down-line-callback (callback) 266

:scroll-down-page-callback (initarg) 265

scroll-down-page-callback (callback) 266

scroller-pane (composite pane) 234

scroll-extent (generic function) 235

scrolling 532

scrolling (macro) 234

:scroll-to-bottom-callback (initarg) 265

scroll-to-bottom-callback (callback) 266

:scroll-to-top-callback (initarg) 265

scroll-to-top-callback (callback) 266

:scroll-up-line-callback (initarg) 265

scroll-up-line-callback (callback) 266

:scroll-up-page-callback (initarg) 265

scroll-up-page-callback (callback) 266

sensitive 170

sensitivity, controlling 170

sequence (presentation type) 142

sequence-enumerated (presentation type) 143

server paths 483

set, region 42

set-application-themed (function) 17

(setf command-enabled) (generic function) 215

(setf cursor-visibility) (generic function) 332

(setf delegate-sheet-delegate) (generic function) 461

(setf frame-command-table) (generic function) 210

(setf frame-current-layout) (generic function) 213

(setf frame-manager) (generic function) 220

(setf frame-manager-dialog-view) (generic function) 316

(setf frame-manager-menu-view) (generic function) 309

(setf frame-pretty-name) (generic function) 210

(setf frame-properties) (generic function) 218

(setf gadget-client) (generic function) 252

(setf gadget-id) (generic function) 252

(setf gadget-label) (generic function) 256

(setf gadget-label-align-x) (generic function) 256

(setf gadget-label-align-y) (generic function) 257

(setf gadget-label-text-style) (generic function) 257

(setf gadget-max-value) (generic function) 257

(setf gadget-min-value) (generic function) 257

(setf gadget-value) (generic function) 254

(setf graph-node-children) (generic function) 443

(setf graph-node-parents) (generic function) 443

(setf graph-root-nodes) (generic function) 441

(setf medium-background) (generic function) 71 , 471

(setf medium-buffering-output-p) (generic function) 338

(setf medium-clipping-region) (generic function) 72 , 472

(setf medium-default-text-style) (generic function) 73 , 473

(setf medium-foreground) (generic function) 71 , 471

(setf medium-ink) (generic function) 71 , 471

(setf medium-line-style) (generic function) 72 , 472

(setf medium-text-style) (generic function) 473

(setf medium-transformation) (generic function) 72 , 471

(setf pointer-cursor) (generic function) 379

(setf pointer-sheet) (generic function) 379

(setf port-keyboard-input-focus) (generic function) 459

(setf port-properties) (generic function) 484

(setf presentation-object) (generic function) 129

(setf presentation-type) (generic function) 129

(setf radio-box-current-selection) (generic function) 262

(setf sheet-enabled-p) (generic function) 452

(setf sheet-region) (generic function) 454

(setf sheet-transformation) (generic function) 454

(setf space-requirement-height) (function) 238

(setf space-requirement-max-height) (function) 238

(setf space-requirement-max-width) (function) 237

(setf space-requirement-min-height) (function) 238

(setf space-requirement-min-width) (function) 237

(setf space-requirement-width) (function) 237

(setf stream-current-output-record) (generic function) 354

(setf stream-default-view) (generic function) 165

(setf stream-drawing-p) (generic function) 354

(setf stream-end-of-line-action) (generic function) 336

(setf stream-end-of-page-action) (generic function) 336

(setf stream-input-buffer) (generic function) 370

(setf stream-insertion-pointer) (generic function) 406

(setf stream-primary-pointer) (generic function) 371

(setf stream-recording-p) (generic function) 353

(setf stream-scan-pointer) (generic function) 407

(setf stream-text-cursor) (generic function) 332

(setf stream-text-margin) (generic function) 334

(setf text-style-mapping) (generic function) 105

(setf window-viewport-position) (generic function) 339

(setf* cursor-position) (generic function) 332

(setf* output-record-end-cursor-position) (generic function) 346

(setf* output-record-position) (generic function) 345

(setf* output-start-cursor-position) (generic function) 346

(setf* pointer-position) (generic function) 379

(setf* stream-cursor-position) (generic function) 333

(setf* stream-pointer-position) (generic function) 371

setf* defined 520

set-highlighted-presentation (function) 187

:sheet (initarg) 331 , 463

sheet (protocol class) 449

sheet-adopt-child (generic function) 451

sheet-allocated-region (generic function) 456

sheet-ancestor-p (generic function) 451

sheet-children (generic function) 450

sheet-delta-transformation (generic function) 456

sheet-device-region (generic function) 491

sheet-device-transformation (generic function) 490

sheet-direct-mirror (generic function) 489

sheet-disown-child (generic function) 451

sheet-enabled-children (generic function) 451

sheet-enabled-p (generic function) 452

(setf sheet-enabled-p) (generic function) 452

sheet-grafted-p (generic function) 486

sheet-identity-transformation-mixin (class) 456

sheet-leaf-mixin (class) 453

sheet-medium (generic function) 475

sheet-mirror (generic function) 490

sheet-mirrored-ancestor (generic function) 489

sheet-multiple-child-mixin (class) 453

sheet-native-region (generic function) 490

sheet-native-transformation (generic function) 490

sheet-occluding-sheets (generic function) 452

sheetp (function) 449

sheet-parent (generic function) 450

sheet-parent-mixin (class) 453

sheet-region (generic function) 454

sheets 8 , 23 , 446

adopted 450

associating with a medium 474

basic classes 449

child 446

degrafted 450

disabled 450

disowned 450

enabled 450

genealogy classes 453

geometry 454

geometry classes 456

geometry functions 454

geometry notifications 478

grafted 450

input protocol 458

input protocol classes 461

input protocol functions 458

mediums and output properties 470

mirrored 489

functions 489


functions 489

notification protocol 478

output protocol 470

output protocol classes 473

output protocol functions 473

parent 446

properties of 447

protocol 447 , 450

relationships between 450

sheet-siblings (generic function) 451

sheet-single-child-mixin (class) 453

sheet-transformation (generic function) 454

(setf sheet-transformation) (generic function) 454

sheet-transformation-mixin (class) 457

sheet-translation-mixin (class) 457

sheet-viewable-p (generic function) 452

sheet-y-inverting-transformation-mixin (class) 457

+shift-key+ (constant) 468

:show-as-default (initarg) 261

:show-value-p (initarg) 267

shrink-frame (generic function) 221

shrunk frames 218

simple-parse-error (condition) 396

simple-parse-error (function) 396

:single-box (initarg) 130

singular-transformation (error condition) 87

:size (initarg) 344

slider (class) 267

slider gadgets 267

slider-drag-callback (generic function) 267

slider-pane (class) 268

solid shapes 77


allocation 236

composition 236

requirement 236

space-requirement (protocol class) 237

space-requirement+ (function) 238

space-requirement+* (function) 238

space-requirement-combine (function) 238

space-requirement-components (generic function) 238

space-requirement-height (function) 237

(setf space-requirement-height) (function) 238

space-requirement-max-height (function) 238

(setf space-requirement-max-height) (function) 238

space-requirement-max-width (function) 237

(setf space-requirement-max-width) (function) 237

space-requirement-min-height (function) 238

(setf space-requirement-min-height) (function) 238

space-requirement-min-width (function) 237

(setf space-requirement-min-width) (function) 237

space-requirement-width (function) 237

(setf space-requirement-width) (function) 237

:spacing (option) 232

spacing (macro) 233

spacing-pane (composite pane) 233

specifiers, presentation type 123

spread versions of drawing functions 46

standard input 210 , 243

standard output 211 , 244

*standard-activation-gestures* (variable) 394

standard-application-frame (class) 195

standard-bounding-rectangle (class) 61

standard-cell-output-record (class) 439

standard-column-output-record (class) 438

standard-command-table (class) 282

standard-ellipse (class) 56

standard-elliptical-arc (class) 56

standard-extended-input-stream (class) 370

standard-extended-output-stream (class) 328

standard-graph-node-output-record (class) 442

standard-input-editing-stream (class) 390

standard-input-stream (class) 368

standard-item-list-output-record (class) 440

standard-line (class) 51

standard-line-style (class) 78

standard-output-recording-stream (class) 353

standard-output-stream (class) 326

standard-point (class) 47

standard-pointer (class) 378

standard-polygon (class) 48

standard-polyline (class) 48

standard-presentation (class) 130

standard-rectangle (class) 52

standard-rectangle-set (class) 42

standard-region-difference (class) 42

standard-region-intersection (class) 42

standard-region-union (class) 42

standard-repainting-mixin (class) 477

standard-row-output-record (class) 437

standard-sequence-output-record (class) 349

standard-sheet-input-mixin (class) 461

standard-sheet-output-mixin (class) 473

standard-table-output-record (class) 435

standard-text-cursor (class) 331

standard-text-style (class) 100

standard-tree-output-history (class) 352

standard-tree-output-record (class) 350

:state (initarg) 195

stencils 31

stream-accept (generic function) 133

stream-add-character-output (generic function) 356

stream-add-output-record (generic function) 354

stream-add-string-output (generic function) 356

stream-advance-to-column (generic function) 327 , 528

stream-baseline (generic function) 335

stream-character-width (generic function) 333

stream-clear-input (generic function) 369 , 526

stream-clear-output (generic function) 327 , 528

stream-close-text-output-record (generic function) 356

stream-current-output-record (generic function) 354

(setf stream-current-output-record) (generic function) 354

stream-cursor-position (generic function) 333

(setf* stream-cursor-position) (generic function) 333

stream-default-view (generic function) 165

(setf stream-default-view) (generic function) 165

stream-drawing-p (generic function) 354

(setf stream-drawing-p) (generic function) 354

stream-element-type (generic function) 524

stream-end-of-line-action (generic function) 335

(setf stream-end-of-line-action) (generic function) 336

stream-end-of-page-action (generic function) 336

(setf stream-end-of-page-action) (generic function) 336

stream-finish-output (generic function) 327 , 528

stream-force-output (generic function) 327 , 528

stream-fresh-line (generic function) 327 , 528

stream-increment-cursor-position (generic function) 333

stream-input-buffer (generic function) 370 , 406

(setf stream-input-buffer) (generic function) 370

stream-input-wait (generic function) 373

stream-insertion-pointer (generic function) 406

(setf stream-insertion-pointer) (generic function) 406

stream-line-column (generic function) 326 , 527

stream-line-height (generic function) 334

stream-listen (generic function) 369 , 526

stream-output-history (generic function) 354

stream-output-history-mixin (class) 352

streamp (generic function) 523

stream-pathname (generic function) 525

stream-peek-char (generic function) 368 , 526

stream-pointer-position (generic function) 371

(setf* stream-pointer-position) (generic function) 371

stream-pointers (generic function) 370

stream-present (generic function) 127

stream-primary-pointer (generic function) 371

(setf stream-primary-pointer) (generic function) 371

stream-process-gesture (generic function) 408

stream-read-byte (generic function) 529

stream-read-char (generic function) 368 , 525

stream-read-char-no-hang (generic function) 368 , 526

stream-read-gesture (generic function) 372 , 408

stream-read-line (generic function) 369 , 526

stream-recording-p (generic function) 353

(setf stream-recording-p) (generic function) 353

stream-replay (generic function) 354

stream-rescanning-p (generic function) 407

stream-restore-input-focus (generic function) 371

streams 11 , 23 , 522


protocol 522

basic input 368

basic output 326

binary 529

character input 525

character output 527

classes 522


panes 190

protocol 522

extended input 369

conditions 374

protocol 370

extended output 327

functions 524

hardcopy 529

input editing 388

protocol 406

output recording 353

protocol 353

window 531

window operations 531

window, pane functions 338

stream-scan-pointer (generic function) 407

(setf stream-scan-pointer) (generic function) 407

stream-set-input-focus (generic function) 371

stream-start-line-p (generic function) 326 , 527

stream-string-width (generic function) 334

stream-terpri (generic function) 327 , 528

stream-text-cursor (generic function) 332

(setf stream-text-cursor) (generic function) 332

stream-text-margin (generic function) 334

(setf stream-text-margin) (generic function) 334

stream-text-output-record (generic function) 355

stream-truename (generic function) 525

stream-unread-char (generic function) 368 , 525

stream-unread-gesture (generic function) 374 , 408

stream-vertical-spacing (generic function) 334

stream-write-byte (generic function) 529

stream-write-char (generic function) 326 , 527

stream-write-string (generic function) 326 , 528

string (presentation type) 139

string completion 399


interaction 286

command line 298

command menus 293

keystroke accelerators 299

mouse 297

line 78

subset (presentation type abbreviation) 142

subset-alist (presentation type abbreviation) 142

subset-completion (presentation type) 141

subset-sequence (presentation type abbreviation) 142

substitute-numeric-argument-marker (function) 301

suggest (function) 403

+super-key+ (constant) 468

surrounding-output-with-border (macro) 432

symbol (presentation type) 137


t (presentation type) 136

table-output-record (protocol class) 435

table-output-record-p (function) 435

table-pane (composite pane) 233


command 281 , 291

conditions 285

predefined 284

formatting 410

calendar month example, figure of 420

examples 417

figure of 421 , 423

from a list, figure of 418

operators for 411

output records of, figure of 343

protocol 435

tabling (macro) 233

template for application frame 14

temporary-medium-sheet-output-mixin (class) 474

:test (initarg) 259 , 260

test-presentation-translator (function) 183

:text-style (option) 229

text 333

cursors 329

protocol 331

stream, protocol 332

formatting 430

line wrapping 335

mixing with graphics 335

output recording 355

output records 351

protocol 333

text styles 98

ascent 102

binding forms 104

descent 102

face 98 , 100 , 105

family 98 , 100

functions 101

height 103

mapping 105

objects 99

options 100

size 98 , 100

:text-cursor (initarg) 370

text-displayed-output-record (protocol class) 351

text-displayed-output-record-p (function) 351

text-displayed-output-record-string (generic function) 352

text-editor (class) 269

text-editor gadgets 268

text-editor-pane (class) 269

:text-face (option) 101

:text-family (option) 100

text-field (class) 268

text-field gadgets 268

text-field-pane (class) 269

:text-margin (initarg) 328

:text-margin (option) 242

:text-size (option) 101

text-size (generic function) 103

:text-style (option) 77

text-style (protocol class) 100

text-style-ascent (generic function) 102

text-style-components (generic function) 102

text-style-descent (generic function) 102

text-style-face (generic function) 101 , 102

text-style-family (generic function) 100 , 102

text-style-fixed-width-p (generic function) 103

text-style-height (generic function) 103

text-style-mapping (generic function) 105

(setf text-style-mapping) (generic function) 105

text-style-p (function) 100

text-style-size (generic function) 101 , 102

text-style-width (generic function) 103

+textual-dialog-view+ (constant) 166

textual-dialog-view (class) 166

+textual-menu-view+ (constant) 166

textual-menu-view (class) 165

throw-highlighted-presentation (function) 186

timer-event (class) 467

:timestamp (initarg) 463

title-pane (leaf pane) 244

toggle-button (class) 270

toggle-button gadgets 269

toggle-button-indicator-type (generic function) 270

toggle-button-pane (class) 270

token-or-type (presentation type abbreviation) 144

tokens, reading and writing 397

toolkit, adaptive 10

top-level output records 352

tracking-pointer (macro) 379

:transformation (option) 76

transformation (protocol class) 87

transformation-equal (generic function) 88

transformation-error (error condition) 87

transformationp (function) 87

transformations 82

affine 83

applying 93

composition 84

constructors 84

functions 89

graphic, example, figure of 82

predicates 88

protocol 87

reflection 83

rotation 83

scaling 83

translation 83

transformation-underspecified (error condition) 87

transform-distance (generic function) 94

transform-position (generic function) 94

transform-rectangle* (generic function) 94

transform-region (generic function) 93

translate 131

translation 83

translation-transformation-p (generic function) 88

translators, presentation 122 , 131 , 182 , 297

applicability 172

concepts 170


examples 181

operators for 176

low-level functions 183

matching 172

using, figure of 13

:type (initarg) 130

type-or-string (presentation type abbreviation) 144

types of output records 349


unbounded regions 38

*undefined-text-style* (variable) 99

unhighlight-highlighted-presentation (function) 187

unread-gesture (function) 373

*unsupplied-argument-marker* (variable) 303

untransform-distance (generic function) 94

untransform-position (generic function) 94

untransform-rectangle* (generic function) 95

untransform-region (generic function) 93

updating-output (macro) 361

user packages 513

user-command-table (command table) 284

using drawing options 74

using gadgets 247

using-resource (macro) 516


:value (initarg) 254

:value-changed-callback (initarg) 254

value-changed-callback (callback) 254

value-gadget (class) 254

:value-key (initarg) 259 , 260

vbox-pane (composite pane) 233

vertically (macro) 233

:vertical-spacing (initarg) 328

:vertical-spacing (option) 242

:view (initarg) 130

view (protocol class) 165

viewp (function) 165

viewports 234

defined 532


of presentation types

operators for 165

with presentation types 165

vrack-pane (composite pane) 234


:width (option) 231

:win32 (server-path) 483

window-children (generic function) 533

window-clear (generic function) 338 , 531

window-configuration-event (class) 467

window-erase-viewport (generic function) 339 , 531

window-event (class) 467

window-event-mirrored-sheet (generic function) 467

window-event-native-region (generic function) 467

window-event-region (generic function) 467

window-expose (generic function) 534

windowing relationships 446

window-inside-bottom (function) 535

window-inside-edges (generic function) 534

window-inside-height (function) 535

window-inside-left (function) 534

window-inside-right (function) 535

window-inside-size (generic function) 535

window-inside-top (function) 535

window-inside-width (function) 535

window-label (generic function) 533

window-parent (generic function) 533

window-refresh (generic function) 338 , 531

window-repaint-event (class) 467

windows 338 , 531

concepts 446

functions for direct operation 533

operators for

viewport and scrolling 532

origin 21

primitive layer operators 533

stream operations 531

stream pane functions 338

streams 531

Windows themes 17

window-set-viewport-position* (generic function) 532

window-stack-on-bottom (generic function) 534

window-stack-on-top (generic function) 534

window-viewport (generic function) 339 , 532

window-viewport-position (generic function) 339

(setf window-viewport-position) (generic function) 339

window-viewport-position* (generic function) 532

window-visibility (generic function) 534

with-accept-help (macro) 403

with-activation-gestures (macro) 394

with-application-frame (macro) 194

with-bounding-rectangle* (macro) 63

with-command-table-keystrokes (macro) 289

with-delimiter-gestures (macro) 395

with-drawing-options (macro) 74

with-end-of-line-action (macro) 336

with-end-of-page-action (macro) 337

with-first-quadrant-coordinates (macro) 93

with-frame-manager (macro) 220

with-gp-drawing-to-sheet (macro) 65

with-graft-locked (macro) 487

:within-generation-separation (initarg) 441

with-input-context (macro) 132

with-input-editing (macro) 391

with-input-editor-typeout (macro) 391

with-input-focus (macro) 372 , 533

with-local-coordinates (macro) 92

with-lock-held (macro) 519

with-look-and-feel-realization (macro) 228

with-menu (macro) 311

with-new-output-record (macro) 357

with-output-as-gadget (macro) 271

with-output-as-presentation (macro) 126

with-output-buffered (macro) 338

with-output-recording-options (macro) 357

with-output-to-output-record (macro) 358

with-output-to-pixmap (macro) 35

with-output-to-postscript-stream (macro) 530

without-scheduling (macro) 518

with-port-locked (macro) 484

with-presentation-type-decoded (macro) 146

with-presentation-type-options (macro) 147

with-presentation-type-parameters (macro) 147

with-radio-box (macro) 264

with-recursive-lock-held (macro) 519

with-room-for-graphics (macro) 335

with-rotation (macro) 92

with-scaling (macro) 92

with-sheet-medium (macro) 474

with-sheet-medium-bound (macro) 475

with-text-face (macro) 105

with-text-family (macro) 105

with-text-size (macro) 105

with-text-style (macro) 104

with-translation (macro) 91

wrapping text lines 335

write-token (function) 398

writing tokens 397


:x (initarg) 465

X resources

defaults 17

file 17

:x-position (initarg) 344

:x-spacing (initarg) 435 , 439

:x-spacing (option) 232


:y (initarg) 465

:y-position (initarg) 344

:y-spacing (initarg) 435 , 439

:y-spacing (option) 232

Common Lisp Interface Manager 2.0 User's Guide - 7 Aug 2017
