The function pane-restore-display
restores the disabled display of the pane
if possible.
If the display of
is disabled and can be restored, the function pane-restore-display
restores it and returns t
. Otherwise it returns nil
The display of a pane may be disabled to a "restorable" state by some feature, typically a restart around the display callback. For example, if there is an error inside the display-callback of an output-pane, a restart is added that removes the display callback. If this restart is used, the output-pane is not displayed (its display-callback is not called) until it is restored (or the display-callback gets set explicitly).
The Window Browser tool in the LispWorks IDE uses pane-restore-display
in the
Enable Display
item in its menu.
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 3 Aug 2017