Gets the item and relative place in the collection that an object is being dropped over.
drop-object-collection-item drop-object => item , placement
(setf (drop-object-collection-item drop-object ) (values new-item new-placement ))
A drop-object , as passed to the drop-callback .
An item of a collection.
One of :above
, :item
or :below
The function drop-object-collection-item
returns the item and place relative to that item within the collection that the object
is being dropped over. This information is only meaningful when the pane is an instance of list-panel or tree-view.
The returned value placement indicates whether the user is dropping above, on or below the item.
There is also a setf expander that can be called with these two values within the :drag
stage of the operation, to adjust where the user will be allowed to drop the object.
should only be called within a
. It is not supported on X11/Motif. See simple-pane for information about drop callbacks.
For an example illustrating the use of drag and drop in a choice, see:
(example-edit-file "capi/choice/drag-and-drop")
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 3 Aug 2017