A check-button-panel
is a pane containing a group of buttons each of which can be selected or deselected.
The class check-button-panel
inherits all of its behavior from button-panel, which itself inherits most of its behavior from choice. Thus, the check-button-panel
can accept
, and so on.
(capi:contain (make-instance
:title "Select some packages"
:items '("CAPI" "LISPWORKS" "CL-USER")))
(setq buttons (capi:contain
:title "Select some packages"
:items '("CAPI" "LISPWORKS" "CL-USER")
:layout-class 'capi:column-layout)))
(capi:choice-selected-items buttons)
(example-edit-file "capi/buttons/buttons")
CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 3 Aug 2017