create-macos-application-bundle target-path &key template-bundle bundle-name signature package-type extension application-icns identifier version build version-string help-book-folder help-book-name document-types executable-name => path
A pathname designator.
A pathname designator.
A string.
A string.
A string.
A string.
A pathname designator.
A string.
A string.
A string.
A string.
A string.
A string.
A list or t
or nil
The function create-macos-application-bundle
creates a Mac OS X application bundle for the running LispWorks image, and returns the pathname path in which an image is expected to be saved. If you are saving an image, it is convenient to use save-image-with-bundle.
target-path is where the new bundle is created.
By default create-macos-application-bundle
uses the application bundle of the current image as a template, and modifies it according to its arguments. If you do not supply of any of the keyword arguments, the only modification is to the actual path.
template-bundle can be supplied to provide a path for an application bundle which will be used as a template. If template-bundle is not supplied, create-macos-application-bundle
uses the path of the bundle of the current image. Except when specified, all the other parameters default to their values in the template-bundle.
bundle-name provides CFBundleName. The default value is the name of the last directory component in target-path.
signature is the signature in the PkgInfo file.
package-type is the package type, CFBundlePackageType. The default value of package-type is "APPL".
extension is the extension to add to the last component of target-path. The default value of extension is "app", as in "".
application-icns provides CFBundleIconFile.
package-type is the package type, CFBundlePackageType. The default value of package-type is "APPL".
extension is the extension to add to the last component of target-path. The default value of extension is "app", as in "".
application-icns provides CFBundleIconFile.
identifier provides CFBundleIdentifier. You must change this if you are creating a bundle for your own application.
version is the version value, CFBundleVersion. If template-bundle is nil, version defaults to the value returned by cl:lisp-implementation-version
version-string provides CFBundleShortVersionString. If version-string is nil
(the default), then version and build (if non nil) are used to make a default string.
help-book-folder provides CFBundleHelpBookFolder.
help-book-name provides CFBundleHelpBookName.
document-types provides the CFBundleDocumentTypes dict array. Each item of the list document-types should be a list of the form (name extensions icns-file os-types role) which provide the dict values as follows: the string name provides CFBundleTypeName; the list of strings extensions provides the contents of the array CFBundleTypeExtensions; the pathname designator icns-file provides the string CFBundleTypeIconFile; the list of strings os-types provides the contents of the array CFBundleTypeOSTypes and the string role provides CFBundleTypeRole. role can be omitted and defaults to "Editor". os-types can be omitted and defaults to ("****").The default value of document-types is t
, which means copy them from the application bundle template-bundle.
executable-name is the filename of the LispWorks image executable, not including the directory. The default value of executable-name is the pathname name of the last component of target-path.
LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual - 13 Feb 2015