The System Browser provides an intuitive graphical way to examine and operate on systems and their members.
For example, the operation outlined in A brief introduction to systems would be performed by the System Browser menu commands Systems > Compilation options > Force followed by Systems > Compile .
To create a System Browser, choose
Tools > System Browser
or press
in the Podium. Alternatively, choose
File > Browse Parent System
from any appropriate tool in the environment or execute
Alt+X Describe System
in an editor, to display the parent system for the selected or current file in the System Browser. See Operating on files for details.
In order to browse a system, first ensure it is defined. To define a system, load the Lisp source code containing the defsystem
form into the Lisp image. For instance, open the file in an Editor and choose
File > Load
. Alternatively, choose
File > Load...
from the System Browser and choose a file to load in the dialog that appears.
LispWorks IDE User Guide (Windows version) - 12 Feb 2015