A foreign pointer.
A non-negative integer. The default is 1
An integer. The default is 0
The function fill-foreign-object
fills the pointer pointer with the value byte. If nelems is greater than 1, an array of objects starting at pointer is filled.
(fli:with-dynamic-foreign-objects ()
(let ((pp (fli:allocate-dynamic-foreign-object
:type :char
:initial-element 66
:nelems 6)))
(fli:fill-foreign-object pp :nelems 3 :byte 65)
(loop for i below 6 collect
(fli:dereference pp :type :char :index i))))
(#\A #\A #\A #\B #\B #\B)
LispWorks Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 16 Feb 2015