define-foreign-block-invoker the-name args &key lambda-list documentation result-type language stack no-check reentrant calling-convention
The macro define-foreign-block-invoker
defines an invoker of a foreign block.
It defines the-name to be a function that can be used to invoke foreign blocks which takes arguments that match args. The block is then invoked by simply calling the function the-name with the block and arguments:
(the-name block arg1 arg2 ...)
The block argument is of type foreign-block-pointer.
is very similar to define-foreign-funcallable and define-foreign-function, and all the remaining arguments are interpreted in the same way.
The lambda list of the invoker is (
block .
. When lambda-list is supplied, define-foreign-block-invoker
inserts in front of the supplied lambda-list an additional argument for the block. Therefore a supplied lambda-list must not include an argument for the block. Similarly a supplied lambda-list in define-foreign-funcallable should not include an argument for the function.
returns the-name.
is implemented in LispWorks for Macintosh only.
Block objects in C (foreign blocks)
LispWorks Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 16 Feb 2015