Creates a dynamic-extent foreign pointer which points to the data in a given Lisp array while the forms are executed.
with-dynamic-lisp-array-pointer (pointer-var lisp-array &key start type) &body body => last
A variable to be bound to the foreign pointer.
A static Lisp array (a string or a byte/single-float/double-float array).
An index into the Lisp array.
A foreign type. The default is :void
A list of forms.
The macro with-dynamic-lisp-array-pointer
enables the data in a Lisp array to be shared directly with foreign code, without making a copy. A dynamic-extent pointer to the array's data can be used within body wherever the :pointer foreign type allows.
creates a dynamic extent foreign pointer, with element type type, which is initialized to point to the element of lisp-array at index start. The default value of start is 0.
This foreign pointer is bound to pointer-var, the forms of body are executed and the value of the last form is returned.
Pointers created with this macro must be used with care. There are three restrictions:
(let ((vector
(make-array 3 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
:initial-contents '(65 77 23)
:allocation :static)))
(ptr vector :start 1 :type '(:unsigned :byte))
(fli:dereference ptr)))
LispWorks Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 16 Feb 2015