All Manuals > LispWorks Delivery User Guide > 7 Delivery on Microsoft Windows


7.3 DOS windows and message logs

7.3.1 Controlling use of a DOS window

A graphical Windows application does not usually have a console (or "DOS window").

You can achieve this by supplying the keyword argument console :input when delivering your application.

7.3.2 Logging debugging messages

Output to *terminal-io* from an application without a console will not ordinarily be visible to the user, so debugging messages should be written to a log file.

Log files are recommended for any complex application as they make it easier for you to get information back from your users.

You can use dbg:log-bug-form for logging errors. See the LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual for details.

LispWorks Delivery User Guide - 15 Feb 2015
