All Manuals > LispWorks COM/Automation User Guide and Reference Manual




accessor functions

lisp-variant-type 131

lisp-variant-value 131

ActiveX controls ix

add-ref function 4 , 27

automation-server-command-line-action function 28

automation-server-main function 29

automation-server-top-loop function 32


call-com-interface macro 4 , 33

call-com-object macro 15 , 24 , 35

call-dispatch-get-property macro 103

call-dispatch-method macro 104

call-dispatch-put-property macro 106


Automation methods

using a type library 91

without using a type library 92

COM interface methods 4

COM object methods 24

check-hresult macro 36

class options

:coclass 114

:coclass-reusable-p 115

:dont-implement 50

:extra-interfaces 115

:inherit-from 49

:interface 112

:interfaces 49 , 114

:item-method 112

:source-interfaces 115


com-dispatch-invoke-exception-error 101

com-error 41

com-interface 42

com-object 43

simple-i-dispatch 148

standard-automation-collection 151

standard-i-connection-point-container 154

standard-i-dispatch 155

standard-i-unknown 77

:coclass class option 114

:coclass-reusable-p class option 115

co-create-guid function 37

co-initialize function 14 , 38


implementing 97

using 94

COM interface types

i-dispatch 128

i-unknown 57

com-dispatch-invoke-exception-error class 101

com-dispatch-invoke-exception-error-info function 102

com-error class 41

com-error-function-name function 41

com-error-hresult function 41

com-interface class 4 , 42 , 92 , 93

com-interface-refguid function 42

com-object class 43

com-object-destructor function 16 , 43

com-object-dispinterface-invoke generic function 107

com-object-from-pointer function 44

com-object-initialize function 16 , 45

com-object-query-interface function 46

compiling IDL files 1

connection points

implementing 98

using 94

CoTaskMemAlloc 39

co-task-mem-alloc function 10 , 38

CoTaskMemFree 40

co-task-mem-free function 8 , 10 , 40

co-uninitialize function 40

:count-function initarg 151

create-instance function 47

create-instance-with-events function 109

create-object function 110


:data-function initarg 152

define-automation-collection macro 111

define-automation-component macro 113

define-com-implementation macro 14 , 48

define-com-method macro 14 , 51

define-dispinterface-method macro 116

defsystem member types

:midl-file 65

:midl-type-library-file 136

deliver function 2 , 31 , 33

destruction 16

discard-connection function 121

disconnect-standard-sink function 118

dispinterface 90 , 96 , 97 , 103 , 105 , 106 , 107 , 116 , 158

:dll-exports Delivery keyword 2 , 76

do-collection-items macro 119

do-connections macro 120

:dont-implement class option 50

dual interface 90 , 96


editor commands

Function Arglist 167

Insert GUID 167

environment variables

INCLUDE 62 , 65


handling in Automation 95

handling in COM 12

reporting 98


see connection-points

:extra-interfaces class option 115


find-clsid function 53

find-component-tlb function 122

find-component-value function 123

FLI types

hresult 56

refguid 68

refiid 69

Function Arglist editor command 167

:function-name initarg 41


add-ref 27

automation-server-command-line-action 28

automation-server-main 29

automation-server-top-loop 32

co-create-guid 37

co-initialize 14 , 38

com-dispatch-invoke-exception-error-info 102

com-error-function-name 41

com-error-hresult 41

com-interface-refguid 42

com-object-destructor 16 , 43

com-object-from-pointer 44

com-object-initialize 16 , 45

com-object-query-interface 46

co-task-mem-alloc 10 , 38

co-task-mem-free 8 , 10 , 40

co-uninitialize 40

create-instance 47

create-instance-with-events 109

create-object 110

discard-connection 121

disconnect-standard-sink 118

find-clsid 53

find-component-tlb 122

find-component-value 123

get-error-info 125

get-i-dispatch-name 126

get-i-dispatch-source-names 127

get-object 54

guid-equal 55

guid-to-string 56

hresult-equal 57

interface-connect 129 , 130

invoke-dispatch-get-property 131

invoke-dispatch-method 133

invoke-dispatch-put-property 134

make-factory-entry 14 , 16 , 59

make-guid-from-string 60

make-lisp-variant 136

midl 2 , 61

midl-default-import-paths 64

midl-set-import-paths 65

print-i-dispatch-methods 138

query-interface 66

query-simple-i-dispatch-interface 140

refguid-interface-name 69

register-class-factory-entry 14 , 16 , 70

register-server 71

release 72

server-can-exit-p 74

server-in-use-p 74

set-automation-server-exit-delay 75

set-error-info 142

set-i-dispatch-event-handler 143

set-register-server-error-reporter 75

set-variant 146

start-factories 14 , 16 , 78 , 79

unregister-server 80


Garbage collection 16

generic functions

com-object-dispinterface-invoke 107

simple-i-dispatch-callback-object 150

get-error-info function 12 , 125

get-i-dispatch-name function 126

get-i-dispatch-source-names function 127

get-object function 54

guid-equal function 55

guid-to-string function 56


hresult FLI type 56

:hresult initarg 41

hresult-equal function 57


i-dispatch COM interface type 128


compiling 1

iid_is attribute 8

in parameters 6 , 21 , 24 , 93

INCLUDE environment variable 62 , 65

:inherit-from class option 49


CLOS object 15

COM object 15

in-out parameters 10 , 23 , 25 , 93

Insert GUID editor command 167

:interface class option 112

interface-connect function 129 , 130

:interface-name initarg 149

interface-ref macro 58

:interfaces class option 49 , 114

:invoke-callback initarg 149

invoke-dispatch-get-property function 131

invoke-dispatch-method function 133

invoke-dispatch-put-property function 134

:item-generator-function initarg 152

:item-lookup-function initarg 152

:item-method class option 112

:items-function initarg 151

i-unknown COM interface type 57


lisp-variant type 131

lisp-variant-type accessor function 131

lisp-variant-value accessor function 131



call-com-interface 33

call-com-object 15 , 35

call-dispatch-get-property 103

call-dispatch-method 104

call-dispatch-put-property 106

check-hresult 36

define-automation-collection 111

define-automation-component 113

define-com-implementation 14 , 48

define-com-method 14 , 51

define-dispinterface-method 116

do-collection-items 119

do-connections 120

interface-ref 58

query-object-interface 15 , 67

s_ok 73

succeeded 79

with-coclass 156

with-com-interface 81

with-com-object 83

with-dispatch-interface 157

with-query-interface 86

with-temp-interface 85

make-factory-entry function 14 , 16 , 59

make-guid-from-string function 60

make-lisp-variant function 136

making a COM DLL 2

midl function 2 , 61

midl.exe 2 , 5 , 20

midl-default-import-paths function 64

:midl-file defsystem member type 65

midl-set-import-paths function 65

:midl-type-library-file defsystem member type 136


automation 89

com 1 , 89


name mapping 3

New in LispWorks 7.0

midl-default-import-paths function 64

midl-set-import-paths function 65

Optional Automation parameters can be passed as :not-specified 94

print-i-dispatch-methods function 138

Search paths for IDL import statements 63

set-register-server-error-reporter function 75

Newly documented in LispWorks 7.0

:type-library class option for define-automation-component 116


OLE ix

other applications

registering objects for 98

out parameters 7 , 22 , 25 , 93

:outer-unknown initarg 77


parameter direction

in 6 , 21 , 24 , 93

in-out 10 , 23 , 25 , 93

out 7 , 22 , 25 , 93

Primitive types 5 , 20

print-i-dispatch-methods function 138

propget attribute 3

propgput attribute 3

propgputref attribute 3


query-interface function 4 , 66

query-object-interface macro 15 , 67

query-simple-i-dispatch-interface function 140

:quit-when-no-windows Delivery keyword 33


refguid FLI type 68

refguid-interface-name function 69

refiid FLI type 4 , 69

register-class-factory-entry function 14 , 16 , 70

register-server function 71


component values 123

guid 53

ProgID 53

type library versions 122

release function 4 , 72

retval attribute 93


s_ok macro 73

save-image function 2 , 31

Self-contained examples

ActiveX controls 170

aggregation 170

argument passing 169

Automation 99

calling and implementing COM methods 169

COM/Automation 169 , 170

Controlling an Automation application 99

embedding external components 170

event handlers 172

events 172

Getting events from COM interfaces 99

OLE automation 171

OLE embedding 170

server-can-exit-p function 74

server-in-use-p function 74

set-automation-server-exit-delay function 75

set-error-info function 53 , 98 , 142

set-i-dispatch-event-handler function 143

set-register-server-error-reporter function 75

set-variant function 146

simple-i-dispatch class 148

simple-i-dispatch-callback-object generic function 150

size_is attribute 6 , 8 , 10 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25

source attribute 115

source interfaces 98

:source-interfaces class option 115

standard-automation-collection class 151

standard-i-connection-point-container class 154

standard-i-dispatch class 155

standard-i-unknown class 77

start-factories function 14 , 16 , 78 , 79

string attribute 6 , 7 , 10 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25

succeeded macro 79



COM Implementation Browser 161

COM Interface Browser 166

COM Object Browser 165

type libraries 89


lisp-variant 131


unregister-server function 80


Windows registry 53 , 122 , 123

with-coclass macro 156

with-com-interface macro 4 , 81

with-com-object macro 24 , 83

with-dispatch-interface macro 157

with-query-interface macro 4 , 86

with-temp-interface macro 4 , 85

LispWorks COM/Automation User Guide and Reference Manual - 14 Feb 2015
