The example3 function shows how you can format a table in which each cell contains graphics of different sizes.
(defun example3 (&optional (items *alphabet*)
&key (stream *standard-output*) (n-columns 6)
y-spacing x-spacing)
(stream :y-spacing y-spacing
:x-spacing x-spacing)
(do ()
((null items))
(clim:formatting-row (stream)
(do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
((or (null items) (= i n-columns)))
(clim:formatting-cell (stream)
(clim:draw-polygon* stream
(list 0 0 (* 10 (1+ (random 3)))
5 5 (* 10 (1+ (random 3))))
:filled nil)
(pop items)))))))
(example3 *alphabet* :stream *my-stream*)
shows this table:
Common Lisp Interface Manager 2.0 User's Guide - 3 Mar 2015