All Manuals > LispWorks Guide to the License Server > 1 The License Server


1.2 Installing Lisp for use with the License Server

This section describes changes to the installation procedure for LispWorks products to allow for use of the License Server daemon.

The installation of the server daemon itself is explained in The License Server Daemon.

Invocation of License Server from Lisp is controlled by the environment variable LW_CHECK_NETWORK . If this is not set in your environment, then the Lisp variable system:*check-network-server* is used instead. See Interaction between Lisp and hqn_lsd for full details of the treatment of these two variables.

Instructions for performing a typical, "quick" installation:

  1. Set the environment variable LW_CHECK_NETWORK to any value. (The test is of whether the variable has been set or not.)
  2. Make a configuration file wherein the variable *check-network-server* is set:
  3. For example for a release (say, 6.1) of LispWorks you would make a copy of /path/to/lib/6-1-0-0/config/configure.lisp called my-configuration.lisp and add the form

    (setq system:*check-network-server* t)

    in my-configuration.lisp .

  4. Configure Lisp as usual, following the instructions in the LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide .

Setting LW_CHECK_NETWORK allows you to start Lisp the first time, and saving non-nil *check-network-server* into the configured image allows you to restart it in the future.

LispWorks Guide to the License Server - 13 Aug 2010
