All Manuals > LispWorks Guide to the License Server


About this Guide


This guide describes the License Server, hqn_lsd . The License Server is an optional complement to the static keyfile system described in the LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide .

Unless you intend to run Lisp in a way that causes problems for the keyfile system (for instance, licenses floating across a network), you are unlikely to need to use the License Server. If you intend to use the keyfile system, you can ignore the rest of this manual.

Note that it is possible to configure Lisp to take certain permissions from a keyfile and the rest from the License Server. This might be useful if, for example, you have floating licenses for the Lisp image but a fixed license for a layered add-on product such as CLIM.

Topics covered by the Guide

The License Server, describes how to install and run the License Server in conjunction with Lisp. In many cases, the information in this chapter may be all you need to get LispWorks products running with the License Server.

The License Server Daemon, describes hqn_lsd , the License Server daemon. This chapter provides information additional to The License Server that may be required in certain circumstances.

The License Server Admin Tool describes hqn_lsa , the License Server administration tool. This tool lets you configure the License Server to your site, and allows finer control over the way licenses on your network or machine are managed.


LispWorks Guide to the License Server - 13 Aug 2010
