All Manuals > KnowledgeWorks and Prolog User Guide > 6 Advanced Topics > 6.5 Inferencing States > 6.5.3 Uses of Inferencing States

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By binding *inferencing-state* around specific KnowledgeWorks operations in a function as in the example below, multiple inferencing states can be maintained within a single thread.

(defun test-stepping-single-context ()
  (let ((state1 (make-inferencing-state 'state1))
        (state2 (make-inferencing-state 'state2)))
          (let ((*inferencing-state* state1))
            (make-instance 'step-controller
                           :kb-name 'stepper-one-a))
          (let ((*inferencing-state* state2))
            (make-instance 'step-controller
                           :kb-name 'stepper-one-b))
          (loop repeat 10
                (let ((*inferencing-state* state1))
                (let ((*inferencing-state* state2))
      (destroy-inferencing-state state1)
      (destroy-inferencing-state state2))))


KnowledgeWorks and Prolog User Guide (Windows version) - 6 Dec 2011
