A meta-class
could be defined as a KnowledgeWorks class. New KnowledgeWorks classes (or even ordinary non-KnowledgeWorks classes) could be defined with this meta-class. KnowledgeWorks could then reason about the instances of the classes and about the class objects themselves. The code below implements this:
(def-kb-class standard-kb-class (standard-class) ())
(defmethod validate-superclass
((class standard-kb-class)
(superclass standard-class))
(def-kb-class foo () ((slot))
(:metaclass standard-kb-class))
Then when the following rule fires:
(defrule find-kb-class :forward
(standard-kb-class ? clos::name ?n)
((format t "~%I can reason about class ~s" ?n)))
I can reason about class FOO
KnowledgeWorks and Prolog User Guide (Macintosh version) - 6 Dec 2011