3.3.3 Using the Object operations with the clipboard
You can use the clipboard to transfer a tool's "primary object" between tools. There are three commands available, as follows:
Edit > Object > Copy Object
to put the selection or "primary object" onto the clipboard.
Edit > Object > Cut Object
to put the selection or "primary object" onto the clipboard and remove it from the tool it was copied from.
Edit > Object > Paste Object
to put the contents of the clipboard into the current tool.
Use of
Copy Object
Cut Object
followed by
Paste Object
lets you transfer items between tools, or to different parts of the same tool. There are several ways to use these commands:
In the Class Browser (for example) you can
Copy Object
the class to the clipboard and then
Paste Object
it into another tool. Because the Common Lisp object itself is copied to the clipboard, it is treated usefully according to the tool. For instance, if you paste it into an Inspector, it is inspected. If you paste it into an editor however, the class name is simply pasted as text.
Between any of the tools, you can
Cut Object
Copy Object
, and
Paste Object
Common Lisp objects. You can, for instance, make an instance of a class in the Listener, inspect it by
Values > Inspect
, and then
Copy Object
it in the Inspector, and then
Paste Object
it into a Class Browser to examine its class.
If you have several Common Lisp objects which you want to keep track of, store them in the Object Clipboard. You can do this by a
command in tools such as the Class Browser, or by
Edit > Object > Paste Object
in the Object Clipboard tool. See The Object Clipboard for more information about that tool.
You can also transfer data within the environment using the standard actions commands described in Performing operations on selected objects.
LispWorks IDE User Guide (Windows version) - 25 Nov 2011