All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 17 The Inspector > 17.5 Operating upon objects and items > 17.5.1 Examination operations

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Consider the following example, where a closure is defined:

(let ((test-button (make-instance 'capi:button)))
  (defun is-button-enabled ()
    (capi:button-enabled test-button)))

This has defined the function is-button-enabled , which is a closure over the variable test-button , where the value of test-button is an instance of the capi:button class.

  1. Enter the definition of the closure shown above into a Listener.
  2. Choose Values > Inspect .
  3. The Inspector examines the symbol is-button-enabled .

  4. Click on the FUNCTION slot to select the closure.
  5. Choose Slots > Inspect to inspect the value in the selected slot.

The closure is inspected.

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Unix version) - 25 Nov 2011
