All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 13 The Editor


13.13 Using Lisp-specific commands

One of the main benefits of using the built-in editor is the large number of keyboard and menu commands available which can work directly on Lisp code. As well as editing facilities which work intelligently in a buffer containing Lisp code, there are easily-accessible commands which load, evaluate or compile, and run your code in any part of a buffer.

Other tools in the LispWorks IDE are integrated with the Editor. So for example you can find the source code definition of an object being examined in a browser, or set breakpoints in your code, or flag symbols in editor buffers for specific actions such as tracing or lambda list printing.

This section provides an introduction to the Lisp-specific facilities that are available using menu commands. For a full description of the extended editor commands, please refer to the LispWorks Editor User Guide .

All of the commands described below are available in the Editor's Buffers , Definitions , and Expression menus. They operate on the current buffers, definitions, or expression, the choice of which is affected by the current view.

13.13.1 Lisp mode

13.13.2 Current buffers, definitions and expression

13.13.3 Evaluating code

13.13.4 Compiling code

13.13.5 Argument list information

13.13.6 Breakpoints

13.13.7 Tracing symbols and functions

13.13.8 Packages

13.13.9 Indentation of forms

13.13.10 Other facilities

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Unix version) - 25 Nov 2011
