All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 8 The Class Browser > 8.5 Examining generic functions and methods


8.5.4 Description list

The list at the bottom of the tool gives a description of the function or method selected in the main list. The following information is shown:


The name of the selected generic function or method.


The function which the selected function or method relates to.

Lambda List

The lambda list of the selected generic function or method.


The Common Lisp documentation for the selected function or method, if any exists.

Source Files

The source files for the selected generic function or method.

To operate on any of the items displayed in this area, select them and choose a command from the Description menu. This submenu contains the standard actions commands described in Performing operations on selected objects. You can operate on more than one item at once by making a multiple selection in this area.

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Unix version) - 25 Nov 2011
