All Manuals > CAPI User Guide > 13 Graphics Ports > 13.3 Graphics state


13.3.1 Setting the graphics state

The graphics state values associated with a drawing function call are set by one of three mechanisms.

  1. Enumeration in the drawing function call. For example:
  2. (draw-line port
     1 1 100 100  
               :thickness 10
               :scale-thickness nil
               :foreground :red)
  3. Bound using the with-graphics-state macro. For example:
  4. (with-graphics-state (port
     :thickness 10
                               :scale-thickness nil
                               :foreground :red)
      (draw-line port
     1 1 100 100)
      (draw-rectangle port
     2 2 40 50 :filled t))
  5. Set by the set-graphics-state function. For example:
(set-graphics-state port
 :thickness 10
                    :scale-thickness nil
                    :foreground :red)

The first two mechanisms change the graphics state temporarily. The last one changes it permanently in port , effectively altering the "default" state.

CAPI User Guide (Windows version) - 30 Aug 2011
