In a
, performing a completion means replacing part of the text in the pane by the selected completion. In a file-completion, only the last part of the text (from the last directory separator) is replaced.
If a
was made with
true, once the completion was performed, if it is not file-completion and the completion is a directory, the callback of the pane is invoked.
In an
, while the in-place window is displayed, the editor highlights the part of the text that will be replaced. In non-file-completion it is the beginning of the "symbol", as seen by the editor, and the end of the "symbol". In a file-completion it is the part of the filename after the last directory separator.
Performing the completion in an
means replacing the highlighted text by the selected completion. The replacement is done as a single separate operation (for example
will undo the replacement separately from any previous changes).
CAPI User Guide (Windows version) - 30 Aug 2011