You can add dynamic control of window titles using the functions illustrated in the section.
Firstly we add a counter to the title of new
(defvar *demo-title-counter* 0)
(defmethod capi:interface-extend-title ((self demo) title)
(let ((counter
(or (capi:capi-object-property self 'my-title-counter)
(capi:capi-object-property self 'my-title-counter)
(incf *demo-title-counter*)))))
(format nil "~A - ~D"
(capi:display (make-instance 'demo))
Then we specify a common prefix for all interface window titles. Note that this will affect all interfaces in the current session:
:prefix "My " :suffix nil )
(capi:display (make-instance 'demo))
CAPI User Guide (Macintosh version) - 30 Aug 2011