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8 Modifying CAPI Windows

An interface or its children can be altered in many ways. This chapter describes APIs for the most common of these.

Note: By default, each CAPI interface runs in its process. It is important to understand that an on-screen interface and its elements must be accessed only in the process of that interface. In most circumstances the user alters the interface by a callback inside the interface, which will automatically happen in the correct process. However, calls from other processes (including other CAPI interfaces) should use execute-with-interface , execute-with-interface-if-alive , apply-in-pane-process or apply-in-pane-process-if-alive . See the LispWorks CAPI Reference Manual for details of these functions.

8.1 Initialization

8.2 Resizing and positioning

8.3 Scrolling

8.4 Swapping panes and layouts

8.5 Specifying panes and layouts dynamically

8.6 Updating pane contents

8.7 Iconifying and restoring windows

8.8 Closing windows

8.9 Quitting applications

CAPI User Guide (Macintosh version) - 30 Aug 2011
