CL-USER 71 > (pprint (mp:list-all-processes))
(#<MP:PROCESS Name "Editor 1" Priority 70000000 State "Waiting for events">
#<MP:PROCESS Name "Listener 1" Priority 70000000 State "Running">
#<MP:PROCESS Name "LispWorks 5.1.0" Priority 70000000 State "Waiting for events">
#<MP:PROCESS Name "default listener process" Priority 60000000 State "Waiting for terminal input.">
#<MP:PROCESS Name "CAPI Execution Listener 1" Priority 60000000 State "Running">
#<MP:PROCESS Name "Background execute 2" Priority 50000000 State "Waiting for job to execute">
#<MP:PROCESS Name "Background execute 1" Priority 50000000 State "Waiting for job to execute">
#<MP:PROCESS Name "Editor DDE server" Priority 0 State "Waiting for an event">
#<MP:PROCESS Name "The idle process" Priority -536870912 State "Running (preempted)">)